Genital psoriasis / BV

Posted Fri 8 Apr 2022 08.24 by Amybx

I am just wondering if anyone else is experiencing gential psoriasis and feels like the creams etc are causing BV ( bacterial vaginosis to? I use enstilar & hydromol ointment down below.

Posted Fri 8 Apr 2022 09.14 by Annette

I get vaginal psoriasis and my dermatologist has prescribed silkis . I am very meticulous about personal hygiene, and did think the cause of the aroma as due to age ! Your question has given me an answer . X

Posted Fri 8 Apr 2022 12.30 by Amybx

I have tried light therapy and it did not help unfortunately! Hi Annette - yes I am the same, I get very paranoid about it but it is probably the fact I put cream down below for the psoriasis mixed with sweat, horrible! X

Posted Sun 17 Apr 2022 07.35 by Yacht

Not sure I'd be smearing strong steroids or zapping strong UVB light on the genital region, front or back. Genital skin is very thin and fragile. Best results currently (by far) for clearing genital psoriasis come from using biologics (injections).

Posted Fri 22 Apr 2022 03.31 by Mary1968

Personally on such a delicate area, I would be avoiding steroids. In the past when I had it there, I found a change of underwear material helped. Avoid nylon, and use cotton or silk instead. Also cold pressed coconut oil (food grade - the type you can eat) is very safe to use in that area, plus also can help psoriasis.

Posted Fri 22 Apr 2022 10.17 by Amybx

Thanks for the advice guys, my dermatologist suggested using the steroid once a week. I have tried natural creams etc too, just one of the unfortunate people to have it down below!

Posted Tue 26 Apr 2022 23.53 by GJ

How does having genital psoriasis effect your dating life or relationship with your partner? Or how did it effect your dating life if you had it in your early 20s?

Posted Wed 27 Apr 2022 08.03 by Amybx

I am 25, been with my boyfriend for 6 years so does not affect me at all as I am very comfortable with him! You just have to accept the fact that psoriasis is a part of you and not much you can do.

Posted Wed 1 Jun 2022 14.32 by veganmama1995

I also suffer with psoriasis down below it feels itchy inside a lot I've had tests and swabs done down there but nothing has come back so I assume it's just my psoriasis it itches on and off but it's a very sensitive area. Does anyone else feel itchy around the labia/inside bit? Sorry TMI

Posted Wed 1 Jun 2022 15.16 by Amybx

Hello, I am the exact same I have itching around labia etc, I was actually at my gp this morning and she had a look. I got prescripted two new creams to try so I will keep you updated for how I get on!

Posted Wed 1 Jun 2022 23.15 by AK_Aardvark (edited Wed 1 Jun 2022 23.27 by AK_Aardvark)

Baking soda works wonders for psoriasis. Use 2 cups in a bath, drink a glass of warm water with 1/2 tsp in it. The body needs to be more alkaline than acidic. Using baking soda in the bath helps that whole area stay alkaline - which can also help yeast infections, bladder infections and the psoriasis. Taking baking soda internally helps keep the digestive tract alkaline and stops the itch from the inside out. It’s really incredible stuff. If you have kidney problems though it should only be taken under doctors supervision. Try it, it’s a wonder substance…..Kim PS: if it’s inverse psoriasis, try patting the area with corn starch. I had it under my breasts and this worked really well 😊

Posted Thu 2 Jun 2022 07.20 by AK_Aardvark (edited Thu 2 Jun 2022 07.52 by AK_Aardvark)

Hello - thanks for letting me know. I agree that vitamin d3 plays a huge role in all skin and autoimmune diseases - at the beginning when I was diagnosed with psoriasis, I had been taking 1000iu vitamin d3 and 100 mcg vitamin K2mk7 daily. I read a publication from a Dr Coimbra in Brazil on healing these diseases with high dose vitamin d3 and began a 2 month regimen of 40,000iu d3 and 400mcg k2mk7 daily. Then, this is what my doctor has educated me about d3, k2mk7 - the d3 absorbs the calcium, the k2mk7 directs the calcium to the bones and teeth where it belongs instead of pooling in the blood as plaque, also needed is magnesium chloride and vitamin A to make sure the circle is complete. Maybe she’s wrong but she’s been involved in medical research for quite some time. I’m hoping she knows a few things. I also have done the Dr John Pagano healing Psoriasis food regimen and have been free from Psoriasis for over a year. I had terrible scalp psoriasis and sometimes drinking the baking soda in water was the only thing that helped stop the itch. 2 cups of baking soda in a bath was heavenly. I have not used any light therapy so can’t comment on that. I don’t know what that means but it’s worked for me and I wanted to share with others. Again, thanks for your response. I appreciate the feedback….Kim

Posted Thu 2 Jun 2022 07.32 by gilteva (edited Thu 2 Jun 2022 07.39 by gilteva)

Takining vitamin D3 is most of the times not helping because the stomach does not absorbs it. There is enought of it in the food that eat and the companies add it to the food. Especially in milk products, because the milk disable the stomach ability to absorb the vitamin. They add the vitamin to the milk in order to increase the sales. In most of the countries only babies eat milk products or drink milk. And the Psoriasis there is much better. Only 0.5 perent compared to 3.5 percent in USA and UK.

Posted Thu 2 Jun 2022 07.51 by AK_Aardvark (edited Thu 2 Jun 2022 15.36 by AK_Aardvark)

And that’s where the confusion comes - D3 is different than dairy or calcium. It’s not a vitamin, it’s actually a hormone. Dairy is very bad for psoriatics. Vitamin d3, vitamin K2mk7, magnesium chloride and vitamin A (being careful not to give yourself hypervitaminosis A) is the key to getting it correct. I can only share what I know and have learned from my doctor. I understand others may not feel the same. I also know that what works for some doesn’t work for others. I’m P free and am very thankful for that. All the best to you….Kim

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