Psoriasis spreading

Posted Thu 14 Apr 2022 21.18 by Ginge94 (edited Thu 14 Apr 2022 21.29 by Ginge94)

Hey Psoriasis crew (I could think of better crews to be part of but nevertheless, he we are!!) I’m 27, I’ve had scalp and ear psoriasis for almost 4/5 years and the last month I’ve noticed it starting on my elbows and a tiny patch on one of my knees. I am SO paranoid about it spreading!!! I will finally be having my first face to face appointment with the dermatologist at the end of the month but I can’t say I’m hopeful for much. Do any of you have any advice about questions I should maybe ask at my appointment? But more crucially, I would really appreciate some tips on managing the stress of worrying about it, as I know this really doesn’t help! What a vicious bloody cycle it is. Thank you! L xo

Posted Fri 22 Apr 2022 04.00 by Mary1968

Hello Unfortunately, I cannot give you many tips, as I now avoid dermatologists like the plague I will say though (having had many dermatologists in the past), that you need to find one who will listen to your views and concerns, and treat you respectfully in return A lot of the old school dermatologists (now thankfully most retired), use to have ridged views and God-like complexes, and you would hardly dare question them Thankfully, the younger generation seem more open and flexible Therefore, my biggest tip, is to find a helpful dermatologist, that you feel comfortable with. As you probably know, worry and stress are both extremely BAD for psoriasis, and will often trigger a flare. You simply need to find ways to keep that stress to a minimum. I do guided meditations, swimming, yoga and beach walks. Find something that will take your focus away from your skin - even learning a new skill so you have to focus on something else.

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