Elimination Diet for Guttate: Snacks and Drinks?

Posted Sat 16 Apr 2022 01.41 by Scotus0 - 29 from Salford
Seeking advice/tips for overcoming Guttate | Pso blog: GetLostGuttate

I'm currently covered head to toe in guttate. The biggest change I’m about to make to my lifestyle is my diet. It’s never been good: I live off ready meals and processed food, love all things dairy, have a massive sweet tooth and drink alcohol at least once a week. Having read the forums on here, I’m cutting out all dairy, as much gluten as possible and every nightshade food. Instead, I’ll just be eating oat bran (with almond/coconut/oat milk), fish, chicken, brown rice and vegetables mostly recommended on this site and across various websites. Instead of yoghurts, I’m looking at dairy-free Actimel and Kefir. Snack-wise, I can’t find anything much more exciting than celery with hummus, blueberries (of course, haha), brazil nuts, trail mix and oatcakes. Can anyone recommend anything fun…like an anti-inflammatory chocolate? I’m also wondering what drinks are acceptable other than water, kombucha and vegetable juices. Are there any low sugar cordials (e.g. elderflower) that would be okay? I’ll also be taking supplements, listed in another thread. Thanks in advance!

Posted Fri 22 Apr 2022 04.44 by Mary1968

Hello I cleared with diet and supplements, and I really enjoyed the diet I followed. If you constantly think you are missing out or think you are eating boring foods, then it will be a miserable experience for you, and you are unlikely to achieve your goals One of my favourite foods ever was fish & chips from the local chippie, but I realized that deep fried foods, were in the long run, making my psoriasis itchy and painful. So I swapped over to grilled fish, with homemade baked chips. That way I can still enjoy some of my favourite foods, but without the flares. Cheese makes me flare badly. I could not find an alternative (found vegan cheese to be an abomination!), so I just reduced my intake from daily to once a month. Check out the Jason Vale Clear Skin Program. It is a free download on his website, and it gives a comprehensive list of what foods to eat and what to avoid. I used this list a LOT whilst clearing. Also I suggest watching the Jason Vale Documentary called Super Juice Me! - it is free on YouTube. A participant on the doco had psoriasis, so could be interesting for you. Psoriasis loves to thrive on sugar, so if you want to drink booze, then vodka or champagne are your best bets, as that is what they recommend to dieters trying to lose weight. Homemade kombucha will be fine - shop brought not so much

Posted Fri 22 Apr 2022 16.43 by Scotus0 - 29 from Salford
Seeking advice/tips for overcoming Guttate | Pso blog: GetLostGuttate

@Mary1968 Great to hear you cleared your psoriasis with diet and supplements- congrats! I'll check out the Jason Vale content- thanks. I don't want to quit alcohol forever, so low-sugar spirits like vodka sound like a good way to go if I manage to get my skin back on track. I've also read that it's sensible to have a Milk Thistle drink before drinking to protect the liver a little bit.

Posted Sat 30 Apr 2022 00.58 by Mary1968

Scotus0 Personally whist attempting to clear, I would either avoid alcohol entirely, or keep it to a bare minimum I am a pretty big drinker, but when I was clearing, I cut right back. And since clearing, there is no way do I drink as much as I use to. When I had psoriasis, I was drinking every day, when clearing and now, I drink twice a week. I realize now (in hindsight), that excessive alcohol intake, was keeping me permanently covered in psoriasis. Now I can enjoy in moderation and remain clear. Certainly avoid beer (wheat & gluten) and sweet white wines and sherry (too much sugar). And stick to gluten-free low sugar drinks. I would actually be wary of the vodka if made from potatoes, as that is a nightshade and bad for psoriasis. St Marys Milk Thistle is a excellent herb for rejuvenating and healing (and protecting) the liver, as it helps repair the cells due to its antioxidants, whilst reducing inflammation. However, to drink it, and then drink alcohol - is counterproductive (like p***ing in the wind). Other good herbs for the liver are Dandelion Root and Burdock Root. When clearing I also drank dandelion root tea as a replacement for coffee. Where are you getting these herbs from? I would suggest seeing a herbalist, and have them make a liquid extract for you. The extracts are a powerful medicine that work a lot quicker, then had you taken them in capsule form. I studied herbal medicine at college, and know quite a few other herbs suitable for psoriasis treatment. But you can easily find much of this information yourself, if you are interested to learn

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