Best Creams/Ointments/Gels/Lotions/Shampoos for Guttate?

Posted Tue 19 Apr 2022 13.56 by Scotus0 - 29 from Salford
Seeking advice/tips for overcoming Guttate | Pso blog: GetLostGuttate

Given that Enstilar foam has probably caused a steroid rebound, I’m trying to stave off steroid-based creams in favour of the below. Most of these appear to be recommended the highest for guttate psoriasis in particular on these forums. If anyone can vouch for any in particular, please let me know- thanks! FACE Eucerin 10% UREA Cream E45 Cream | 125g CeraVe Hydrating Cleanser Body Shop Vitamin E Night Cream Eucerin Dry Skin Replenishing Face Cream BODY Doublebase Dayleve Gel Exorex Lotion (Green (not blue) writing) Castor Oil Raw Virgin Coconut Oil Shea Butter Apricot Oil Aveeno Skin Relief Lotion Doublebase Gel Cetaphil Moisturising Cream Childs Farm Moisturiser SENSITIVE AREAS Trimovate (has steroids) SHAMPOO 1st: Dercos Anti-Dandruff Shampoo 2nd: T Gel Therapeutic Shampoo SHOWER CREAM E45 Emollient Shower Cream SOAP Wright’s Coal Tar Soap

Posted Tue 19 Apr 2022 14.35 by OhNo_NotAgain?

Wrights Coal Tar soap is now a waste of time - I used to use it 42 years ago and it was a great help. However it no longer contains ANY coal-tar at all. I would vouch for trimovate (used sparingly where needed - BUT it is not a treatment for general use, (in addition to a steroid it contains an antibacterial agent and an antifungal agent). I used Doublebase gel and Doublebase Dayleve gel. Both very good but especially the dayleve gel.

Posted Tue 19 Apr 2022 23.54 by Scotus0 - 29 from Salford
Seeking advice/tips for overcoming Guttate | Pso blog: GetLostGuttate

Hey @OhNo_NotAgain? and thanks for your reply. A shame about the Wright's soap- I've noticed on the packaging it says "Coal Tar fragranced" which is a little misleading. I don't suppose there are any others you could recommend? I've seen bars of nettle soaps are a possiblity. It was your posts on previous threads where I got the Doublebase recommendation from- consider the Dayleve Gel ordered and on its way! I'd have to ask my doctor for Trimovate- I wanted to avoid steroids, but if that's good at clearing it up in sensitive areas then may be worth it. Cheers

Posted Wed 20 Apr 2022 00.56 by OhNo_NotAgain?

@scotuso , in 1980 when i suddenylu developed p[soriasis I was prescribed bug tubs of a coal-tar "grease" made up in the hospital pharmacy (where I saw a dermatologist). I played a lot of sport and so showered often during a week, and I decided to try Wrights Coal Tar soap. I used it for several years and it seemed to calm the itching and reduce the redness - certainly it eased the pain from bleeding plaques after a game of rugby. I have tried a few nettle soaps but not found anything that was particularly helpful -but that is must me. I forget when exactly, 10-15 years ago? In the US there was a study that linked massive doses of coal tar including ingestion to potential cancer. Even though the study and others made the point that the exposure the lab-rats etc were exposed to were far in excess of anything humans would encounter, many large companies removed their coal tar products (or removed the coal tar ingredient) from over-the-counter sales "just in case".

Posted Wed 20 Apr 2022 12.45 by Scotus0 - 29 from Salford
Seeking advice/tips for overcoming Guttate | Pso blog: GetLostGuttate

@OhNo_NotAgain? I see- must have been disappointing for you when coal tar products were taken off the shelves, then. How is your psoriasis now, if you don't mind me asking? I'll keep browsing for soaps as it'd be good to use one alongside the E45 Shower Cream. Up until now, I've been using Westlab Soothing Dead Sea Salt Shower Wash which doesn't seem to make any difference. I've ordered the Exorex Lotion since that contains coal tar- I'll put that one between applications of Dayleve.

Posted Sun 2 Oct 2022 00.27 by mollylottie08

Hi, I have just come about this forum. I am also trying to come off steroids as it is making my guttate worse. Since posting this discussion have you tried any of the stuff you listed? If so do you have any recommendation for what works best for yourself? I have just started using exorex lotion

Posted Sun 2 Oct 2022 07.30 by bargainlovingmum

Hi mollilottie08 - I'm in a similar position to you. From all the ones I've tried (including lots from the list early on in this thread), Doublebase Dayleve Gel is my fave nice regular moisturiser (including at night) as it's not greasy and not leaving marks on clothes like some. Also Aveeno Moisturising Cream for the same reasons. I was worried about steroid withdrawal after using Enstillar Foam for a while (helped a lot but not completely and the darker patches on my legs, where the big psoriasis bits were, haven't gone away yet after many months. Anyone advice please?!). I spoke with my GP about it and she prescribed a tube of other steroid that was a bit weaker for a few weeks, to wean off a bit, then another tube of weaker again steroid (Eumovate) which I'm on now. Also she gave me a separate tube of Calcipotriol which I'm meant to use morning and night (steroid just once a day), though I find this more greasy on clothes and I also often forget or not time to use 1/2 hour before steroid etc. Some very little guttate patches have gradually come back on my legs, but better than in the past, and so far not a big withdrawal effect, with the gradually weaning. Do let us know which path you choose. All the very best with it :)

Posted Sun 2 Oct 2022 10.30 by mollylottie08

Enstillar works well on my body but as soon as I stopped I would get bad withdrawal. Like you it didnt touch the psoriasis on my legs. I’ve come off all steroids completely now and my psoriasis is the worst it’s been but I have changed my died and use exorex, adex, and double base to keep moisturised to stop the itching! I’m hoping this flare up is a withdrawal from the steroids and will go down naturally with the change of Dietrich ect. 50:50 is really good to keep skin hydrated but it is a nightmare to sleep as it’s really thick and greasy

Posted Sun 2 Oct 2022 15.17 by Jean

Hi All, My psoriasis has started to appear on my face, under my eyes. The skin is really thin and I'm struggling to find a moisturiser that helps me. So far, the only one that doesn't seem to cause an issue is childs farm, it has really helped keep it at bay but my issue is that I've no sun protection with that. Can anyone advise me please? Thank you!

Posted Sun 2 Oct 2022 20.15 by Scotus0 - 29 from Salford
Seeking advice/tips for overcoming Guttate | Pso blog: GetLostGuttate

@mollylottie08 Welcome to the forum- hope you don't have to be here too long. Other than the coconut oil and shea butter, I don't use any of the things listed above. I did more research and realised that even the likes of Eucerin, E45, Doublebase etc contain undesirable ingredients like paraffins. My daily skincare routine now involves completely natural, nasties-free products: - A homemade body butter (shea butter; coconut oil; arrowroot powder; turmeric essential oil) that I put on after the shower. -Colloidal Oat Cream to re-moisturise during the day. -Melted coconut oil mixed with turmeric essential oil just before going to bed. My improvements since making this post have been fabulous, as I also started an anti-inflammatory diet and incorporated a lot of supplements into it, too. I wrote a blog where I go into more detail:

Posted Mon 3 Oct 2022 07.26 by OhNo_NotAgain?

Doublebase gel and doublebase dayleve gel gave me the best outcome of any of the many products I tried. My guttate psoriasis has subsided and went away completely, not returned after 4+ years.

Posted Tue 4 Oct 2022 16.22 by bargainlovingmum

Hi OhNo_NotAgain? That's brilliant your psoriasis has cleared! What do you think it was that has been the reason(s)?

Posted Tue 4 Oct 2022 18.02 by OhNo_NotAgain?

As soon as it was was diagnosed by my GP as guttate psoriasis (37 - 38 years after first having plaque psoriasis), my GP explained that guttate psoriasis can be in response to an infection - eg a throast infection, or a physical trauma to the skin or body (mine began to appear 8-18 weeks after a hip replacement operation, and within 2-3 weeks my torso and arms were covered). My GP told me that guttate psoriasis can often fade and clear after 6 months . . . mine began fading close to 7-8 months. The itching was far more intense than anything I had experienced with the plaque psoriasis at its peak (which covered my entire body, face, scalp when I was 22 years old). I took a vitamin D supplement, just the dosage recommended by NHS as a general supplement. I used Exorex coal tar lotion and Doublebase Gel and Doublebase Dayleve gel as often as I needed to help the irritation. (I also tried almost every other emollient or ooat-based or other moisturiser, but Doublebase was the best and cost effective. Lastly, before going to bed I had a luke-warm bath with Oilatum Plus in the water - this calmed the itching enough to help me get off to sleep, at least for a couple of hours.

Posted Tue 4 Oct 2022 19.03 by bargainlovingmum

Thanks very much for sharing. I appreciated reading your experience. So glad you have come out the other end

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