methotrexate- clearing up but feeling low?! And a question of alcohol..

Posted Fri 22 Apr 2022 02.36 by Nicols

I recently started my methoblastin treatment after struggling with facial psoriasis for 3 years and elbow/scalp for 20 years. It's working! Face is clearing up! But I've been noticing side effects such as depression. Thought I'd be feeling great. Anybody else had this side effect? And what did you do? It's correlating with a lifestyle change where I of course for the medicine is drinking less, but thats making me less social when I hoped that getting rid of the flakey redness would make me want to get out more! A question relating to the treatment, how much can I drink on a odd night going out without any larger risks for my body? The doctors are saying next to nothing, but they always do.. do you guys no anything about that? Sorry if this has been up already, I'm new to the forum and tried to look through the threads but didn't find anything:)

Posted Sat 30 Apr 2022 22.14 by JamesFoster

Yes I did feel low on energy and depressed. But this is very common with PS and any auto immune disease. The things I could pin on Methotrexate like severe heartburn were eliminated by folio acid from the doctor. Despite what alot of people think Methotrexate is an effective long term treatment for PS. and is rated 8.2 on and is generally tolerated. It is not compatible with moderate or heavy drinking. If you are achieving good results on face stick with it. Otherwise you can try Cyclosporine but only for a maximum of 6 months. If you have extensive PS on your face or scalp or palms of your hands or soles of your feet you are a special population. That means you one of these areas is covered in psoriasis not that you have a small plaque there. Then you will be able to try a TNF blocker like Humira. But it doesn't achieve much better results than Methotrexate. And has a whole host of potential side effects. The best treatments are Interleukin blockers. The 3 most effective brands are Skyrizi, Taltz and Consentyx.

Posted Sat 30 Apr 2022 23.19 by Steview
A P sufferer for over 30 years, through good and bad times.

For the OP. It is widely reported by many who take Mtx that the common side effects are nausea and tiredness amongst other things. To try to eliminate these you should also be prescribed folic acid up to 6 days a week. Now for alcohol consumption, doctors do warn against exessive consumption as their is a risk to the liver taking mtx. That is one reason you have to have regular blood tests to check on the liver. From my past experience if I had one drink the night I took my tablets I would pay for it the next day I.e bad headache. If I had a drink the night after I didn't seem to suffer as much. I.m.o it is common sence if a med is working why spoil that just for the sake of a few drinks. As you say lifestyle changes can make all the difference. Good luck.

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