nothing works - stem cells??

Posted Sat 14 May 2022 16.25 by guywithpsoriasis4321

I am 37 now. had psoriasis over most of my body since middle school or before. Nothing has worked. I have been to probably 10 dermatologists over the years, they always offer steroid creams and biologic injections or IVs - nothing ever works, ive probably been on 8 or 9 biologics including even a phase 3 trial for one in 2009, now on Remicade with no improvement after a year. Along the way ive done light therapy and even ximer laser treatments - nothing. I have a derm apt Monday morning and im really struggling with even bothering to go in, i mean whats the point? I am in a living hell, and they have no way to help but so long as BlueCross keeps the 5 figure checks coming every time they inject me, i guess they win. The ONLY reason I haven't given up on derms yet is because there has been no alternative until recently. theres a lot of evidence that stem cell IV can resolve the inflammation behind not just psoriasis but RA Chrons and MS. The problem is insurance wont cover it because of course its a one time thing and not a life long income stream for their pharma partners. I just wanted to reach out for some feedback before i plunck down a huge chunk of my savings on this sort of last ditch Hail Mary.

1 Posted Tue 17 May 2022 02.52 by JamesFoster

Okay the next step is to try you on either Skyrizi, Taltz or Consentyx. You have a 60% chance of full 100% clearance with Skyrizi and a 56% chance of full 100% clearance. with Taltz. And an 82% and 78% chance of 90-99% clearance PASI90. Usually biologics are trialled for 16 to 26 weeks to see how effective they are and if any side effects that appear are tolerable. There is only one FDA approved stem cell treatment at the moment to do with red blood cells. There are gene therapies in trial involving gene editing. It will be in the 2030s before any of this is available and will be extremely expensive. I am sure you will respond very favourably to one of the drugs I mentioned. Btw I also suggest you don't go on Humira or Enbrel. They are TNF blockers like Remicade. They are used for many auto immune diseases. But they turn off a large part of the immune system. And there are not that effective at achieving PASI100 or PASI90. The drugs I recommended are Interleukin blockers. But they only block one part out of 36. The parts that are associated with Psoriasis.

1 Posted Tue 17 May 2022 17.22 by Toyin

Try AxisBiotix, give it a couple of months (two boxes) you will know by then if it works. It's £53 for two months which sounds a lot better than a chunk of life savings. It's worked wonders for me. All the best

Posted Fri 20 May 2022 02.03 by Scotus0 - 29 from Salford
Seeking advice/tips for overcoming Guttate | Pso blog: GetLostGuttate

Have you attempted to go down a more natural route? All the names of these drugs sound very frightening. I'll likely be doing a post about her myself soon (I have no affiliation other than following her skin plan) but check out Hanna Sillitoe's story. She suffered with psoriasis for years and was eventually offered chemotherapy drugs. That was a turning point for her, and she instead cleared her skin with a completely new diet. The results are incredibly motivating. I'm surprised more people on here aren't talking about Hanna- I think there needs to be more awareness of our ability to heal from within! All the best.

Posted Thu 3 Nov 2022 02.12 by scaletoclear

Stem cells have had a positive effect and has been in use for more than a decade, in other countries. There are several places here that do the work in Mexico, Columbia and one clinic in Panama that has a big institute. Personally, I am looking at the one in Tijuana, there are several

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