Guttate psoriasis

Posted Tue 17 May 2022 09.30 by GillianCD

I'm a newbie here. My mum has been suffering with guttate psoriasis for just over 2 years. Every time we seem to be getting some relief, it's cone back with a vengeance. She has had biopsies, steroid tablets, steroid creams and plenty of moisturisers. Has anyone any remedies?

Posted Fri 20 May 2022 01.55 by Scotus0 - 29 from Salford
Seeking advice/tips for overcoming Guttate | Pso blog: GetLostGuttate

Hi GillianCD, I'm sorry to hear that your mam's dealing with guttate. I am too- after relying on steroids to simply mask the problem for so long, I recently decided to overcome it naturally by overhauling my diet, taking supplements and using paraben-free moisturisers. It's still early days (I'm about 4 weeks in) but people are already commenting on my face looking less red, and I THINK I'm noticing some plaques that are beginning to fade. Here are some of the changes I've made: SUPPLEMENTS: Vitamin D3 and K2 Magnesium Citrate Zinc Marine Collagen Probiotic L-Glutamine Selenium Milk Thistle Tincture Astaxanthin Omega 3 Fish Oil (NB: Sticking to daily intake limits is sensible, as is speaking to more than one doctor/pharmacist to make sure it is safe to begin taking several supplements) DIET: I have cut out gluten, alcohol, fizzy drinks, dairy, high sugar foods, red meat and the nightshades (potatoes, tomatoes etc). I got Hanna Sillitoe's Radiant book and started her 28 day skin plan. This started with a 3 day juice cleanse, followed by plant-based meals. Her recipes incorporate incredibly healthy ingredients like shiitake mushrooms that are able to help us regulate our immune system. Sillitoe has really made me believe and understanding that psoriasis can be beaten naturally. BATHING I use a dead sea salt scrub (lemon juice, almond oil, rosemary) as well as nettle soap for my body. For my hair, I use SLS-free shampoo and conditioner. CREAMS, OINTMENTS ETC. None of the products I use contain paraffins or any other such nasties. I've created my own body butter (shea butter, coconut oil, essential oils) for after showering, and slather myself in coconut oil before bed. It's so misleading, but products such as E45 and Doublebase Dayleve are actually not good for our skin because of the ingredients. They essentially act as an artificial moisturiser, blocking our body from doing so. I hope you find the above useful- all the best!

Posted Mon 23 May 2022 06.49 by AK_Aardvark

Hi GillianCD - I have also done much of the same as Scotuso has done. The diet and supplements seem to work for many. Hanna Sillitoes regimen is a great one. There are many different regimens out there now that people have had success with. I found Dr John Pagano’s before I found Hanna. I didn’t follow Pagano’s regimen to the T, but kind of used it as my guide. Then found supplements that I felt were important as well as food. I too don’t eat dairy, nightshades, gluten and sugar, anything processed. I live in Alaska so have fresh salmon, halibut, moose and caribou as my meats, no added anything when cutting and wrapping. I have been clear for over a year now. The diet can be a little daunting at first but once you get going at it, it becomes pretty easy. Bathing - when I was bad, I used 2 cups of magnesium chloride flakes, 1 cup of baking soda and then a little splash of an Epsom salt flavor I liked. Sometimes I stayed in it for an hour, just warming the water as needed. I still do the baths every other week or so. Shampoo - I had pretty bad scalp psoriasis and found that spraying my head with with a 50/50 water/magnesium chloride flake mix sprayed on at night and then putting a shower cap on to sleep helped a lot also coconut oil under a shower cap is good but it’s hard to get the oil out in the morning…lol. Now I use a natural shampoo from a company called Wild Naturals made just for ecxema and psoriasis. Moisturizer - and I use a lot!! I use one again from the company Wild Naturals made just for ecxema and psoriasis. Supplements - L-glutamine, vitamin d3, vitamin k2mk7, Turmeric w/ginger and bioperine black pepper, omega 3’s, a pre & probiotic, digestive enzymes, and a milk thistle, berberine, artichoke, dandelion combo. I use lots of extra virgin olive oil in and on everything and sometimes drink it straight from the bottle…lol Misc things I do - I use flaxmeal and lecithin granules added into my smoothies, I drink slippery elm bark tea in the mornings, 30 minutes prior to breakfast. The only thing with that tea then is you have to wait about 5-6 hours to take your supplements. Sorry to write a book to you….I get excited to talk to people who are thinking they want to try healing naturally. I love hearing how others have healed and what they’ve done. It’s amazing what our bodies can do when we give them the right ingredients!! Wishing your mum and you all the best…….Kim

Posted Sat 28 May 2022 02.48 by Mary1968

Hello GillianCD If nothing (steroids and such like) are found to be not working........ Then the other other two options are to : to do nothing, or try supplements with dietary changes Supplements with dietary changes worked for me, when ALL other options had failed Most people try this as a very last resort, only to find it works well for them Lots of different regimens your mum can try as a standalone, or she can incorporate different ideas to suit lifestyle. Personally I could have written the Hanna Sillitoes book (in fact, some of it looks remarkably similar to a blog I wrote five years before Radiant was published)........ But fact is, I pretty much did most of the stuff she writes about and cleared. I also incorporated suggestions from Dr John Pagano, Jason Vale, and random strangers on the internet :) Dr Google was remarkably helpful too - if you can learn to separate the wheat from the chaff.

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