Signs of Psoriasis Healing?

Posted Sun 22 May 2022 21.53 by Scotus0 - 29 from Salford
Seeking advice/tips for overcoming Guttate | Pso blog: GetLostGuttate

I'm about 4 weeks into a new lifestyle (elimination diet; supplements; natural moisturisers) and have noticed some slight changes in my guttate psoriasis: -Some patches appear as if they're beginning to fade- some just in the 'centre' of the plaque, others look like the whole thing is reducing in redness. -Some patches are beginning to flake/shed skin. -Conversely, some new, smaller pinprick-sized papules have emerged. Can anyone in 'remission' share any signs that their psoriasis was on its way out? Thanks!

Posted Mon 23 May 2022 06.11 by AK_Aardvark

Hi Scotuso - I’ve been in remission for over a year and yes, when I changed my diet and added some supplements the psoriasis started to lighten up and fade. I was also using a 50/50 spray of magnesium chloride flakes and water on my skin and that seemed to really help dissolve the spots. My complete healing took 8-9 months. Patience, perseverance, persistence and a positive attitude are so important 😊 Wishing you continued success…………Kim

Posted Sat 28 May 2022 01.45 by Mary1968

Hello Scotus0 I noticed a gradual healing over about 9 months. Started seeing changes after about 6 - 8 weeks I think. But most people seem to start noticing from 4 weeks onwards. And by the end of the 9th month, the patches were all healed up and gone. You know things are working, because you can feel and see it happening. (i.e.) Patches didn't react so much, less itching, less soreness, shrinkage, fading, colour changes, etc.... Lots of people experience a sort of healing crisis, where you get worse before you get better, so that is something you need to be aware of. Are you following the Hanna Sillitoe diet plan ?

Posted Wed 1 Jun 2022 04.36 by AK_Aardvark

I also had the healing crisis. It was awful and made me wonder what I was doing. In Pagano’s books he shows the stages some of his patients went through. I’ll tell ya looking at those photos was the only thing that kept me going sometimes, that and sitting in a bath of magnesium chloride flake, baking soda and some Epsom salts that smelled good.

Posted Sun 5 Jun 2022 20.11 by JohnnyV

Much of my psoriasis seems to be clearing up and yet I'm not on any diet nor am i trying a new treatment or changed my lifestyle in any way. I've always thought that the condition waxes and wanes. I'm lucky that the remission co-incides with the summer so I can get some sun on it too which will likely improve it further. But I suspect it'll return; as I've had the condition for around 25 years. I'm a bit dubious about special diets. Perhaps they work for some people and some treatments can be worth trying. However the cause of psorasis isn't really known and if there was an obvious link between diet and the condition I would hope the medical profession would tell us about it. Stress is suggested as a possible cause or is something that can aggravate the condition.But to my surprise my psorasis became worse after I left a very stressful job! I'm open to trying a new treatment if I'm confident the person suggesting it knows what they're talking about. But at the present time its only sunshine that I can be sure makes a difference.

Posted Sun 5 Jun 2022 21.05 by AK_Aardvark

Hi JohnnyV that’s great to hear. I’m glad it’s been good for you and things are better. Winter was my flare time and so is stress. This winter being on the diet, I didn’t have a flare and I’ve been in some stressful situations now and have been ok. It’s so weird how each of us is affected differently and what works for some doesn’t work for others. Hoping you continue to heal and wishing you the best….Kim

Posted Sat 9 Jul 2022 13.32 by JohnnyV

Hi Kim, What a lovely reply - thank you. I'm sorry my response is so late; I don't log on to the site as often as I should. The poor weather up to now has held up my recovery but I'm hoping the fantastic weather now will get things back on track. I'm glad you're psoriasis has improved too and long may that continue. All the best Johnny

Posted Fri 29 Jul 2022 00.23 by Scotus0 - 29 from Salford
Seeking advice/tips for overcoming Guttate | Pso blog: GetLostGuttate

Hi everyone, just popping back here to say it's now been just over 3 months since changing my lifestyle. The results are jaw-dropping. @Mary1968- Yes, I did Hanna Sillitoe's 28 Day Skin Plan, including the 3 day juice cleanse. I'm going to make another post going into a bit more detail, but a new, skin-friendly diet, nasties-free moisturisers and daily supplements have undeniably contributed to my healing! Hope everyone else is managing their psoriasis.

Posted Fri 29 Jul 2022 19.32 by AK_Aardvark

Hi JohnnyV, No worries as I don’t log on much at all anymore. Hoping things are going well for you and the weather is helping. Thanks for the reply……Kim

Posted Fri 29 Jul 2022 19.39 by AK_Aardvark

Hi Scotuso, This is so great to hear! :) it’s exciting to see results and know that you are using a healthy means to keep the psoriasis under control instead of the drugs. Hanna Sillitoe's plan is a great one. I chose Pagano’s because I am a meat eater. I’ve had two small flares, they only lasted 5 days, the spots were tiny but then were gone. The first one was from eating a greasy potato skin with sour cream, tomatoes and cheese - stupid me! The second was when I was working in the yard and scraped against a stickery bush we have here in Alaska. Keep us posted on how you’re doing :) Kim

Posted Mon 5 Sep 2022 13.00 by Peter S
I have psoriasis on about 1/3 of my body...have had it for over 10 years and its getting worse.

For me, the first sign of remission is that the smaller, pinprick sized spots ( especially around my middle ) start to disappear. Then the psoriasis on my knuckles starts to get less scaley...but with an odd really dry feel. Often the scalp is also one of the first areas to clear up. On the larger areas of body where the psoriasis is disappearing, the scales reduce a lot but ironically it can then be very dry and itchy. Then over a few days the body's natural oils start to come through again....for the first time in months !

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