I am destroyed

1 Posted Sat 14 Sep 2013 12.55 by gerry (edited Fri 19 Sep 2014 00.58 by jasonscoulding)
palma planter to both hands and feet.

hi my name is gerry and im new to this site. i also have been diagnosed with severe p on my hands and feet. ive had it now for approx 3 years. i have tried steriod creams and been for puva treatment 15 times. i found the puva treatment did nothing to help but felt like my hands had been set a light after treatments. i kept with it for as long as i could as the nurses told me it would probably get worse before it got better. i have been prescribed tegaderm dressings to go on my feet as they r to painfull to walk on without.them. my hands are covered in cuts and splits that make it really hard to do anything and i wear gloves at all times. i have been prescribed neotigason capsules 10mg but are worried about starting them as have awful side effects. wondered if anyone has taken them and how they found them. also do symptoms return when stop taking them. really getting me down and feel i have no real quality of life. please help gerry

Posted Sun 22 Sep 2013 11.06 by JoeMcD1888

Hi Gerry In in the same boat as you. It's a total nightmare. I have been a military copper , a md and now as dad and I can safely say the only thing that beats me is the fe@in p. People underestimate just how debilitating and soul destroying it can be. I genuine couldn't care less about people's sideways stares , they aren't my type of people in the first place. But that I do care about is not being able to take my son to the pool or the beach. It's just got too widespread and I don't want him picking up on the grief. Gerry. Why don't you try gluten free with me for 2 weeks- it can't hurt - no cheating full on ? And topically I have hair started using glycerin and coconut oil 50/50 )it should be witch hazel but I can t get here in HK). The glycerin has made an immediate impact , no cracking and I'm not sweeping half a tom of myself off the floor daily - put it in a water spray/mist bottle to apply and just be aware its messy bit not too bad so just let it dry in or put on old clothes. I'm starting tomorrow Monday - fancy giving it go? Joe

Posted Sat 28 Sep 2013 21.40 by gerry
palma planter to both hands and feet.

hi joe, its gerry thank you for getting in touch. sorry for delay at getting back. i am trying with the gluton free diet [cant believe its in everything] and given up wheat. how is it going for you have you noticed any improvement so far? will try the glycerine and coconut as well. early days for me with diet change so not noticed any improvement so far. will keep you posted how i get on. thanks and keep in touch gerry

Posted Tue 26 Nov 2013 22.24 by Liza246 (edited Fri 19 Sep 2014 00.58 by Saba-Georgiou)
Had psoriasis for 10 years on hands, legs and elbows now on my face

This was me for 7 years!! My hands were ridiculous with it and my feet were sore but bad on legs and elbows. I tried light treatment which worked but came back straight away same with steroid creams. I started using bold 2 in 1 the new one last month lavender smell and psorisis totally gone! Give it a try. I washed my bedding I the new stuff and noticed less itchy next day then within 4 weeks honestly gone. Fingers crossed this continues! Liza x

Posted Thu 18 Sep 2014 08.59 by AnnaT
I have had since I was 6

I realise that this is an old post but just want to get this on the forum and hopefully it will circulate. I have had psoriasis for 30 years and am all but cured. I expect the last tiny bit to go in the next few weeks. Incredible! I urge everyone to google Avicenna clinic in Hove. I was recommended by a friend and I still cannot believe I'm finally free of it after all these years - Dr Mazin has worked wonders! It's not cheap, I've spent £2k up till now and will probably need another £500- I would never have considered Chinese medicine and I'm not sure quite how it works but it has cleared my stubborn psoriasis!! Happy to answer any questions

Posted Fri 19 Dec 2014 06.18 by Edbad
I've had it since birth. My father suffered worse than myself but i suffer from outcrops on my arms, scalp, chest, back, shins, genitals, fe

I feel for you, I really do. I've had it since I was born (I'm 29) and it keeps springing nasty surprises on me. My dad hd 90% coverage and I have 70%. I. Can recommend wearing thin cotton gloves while sleeping as scratching in my sleep has led to bleeding and subsequent pain. I'd also advise to try and keep positive, as aware as you might be of your condition, people don't notice it as much as you do. See your doctor and get some creams, Dobavet is good for me but everyone is different. I wish you the best of luck and hope you can learn to live with it x

Posted Sat 7 Feb 2015 16.37 by paulb7765 (edited Fri 27 Mar 2015 15.04 by angiebaby )
I have had psoriasis for 4 years now and it has made me very depressed and changed my life for the worse. I'm now on anti depressants and ca

Why dont you try reading Dr J A Pagano's book about diet. It has been on other threads on this site and I highly recommend it. I went on the diet and after 6 months it has completely gone. It's not easy but if you really want to get rid of Psoriasis then what have you got to lose.

Posted Wed 25 Mar 2015 19.50 by Rave
Skin rashes

I have omitted vegetable oil from my diet with some success. Its still early days but I think i'm winning the psoriasis battle. Vegetable oils are refined using solvent to extract the oil from the produce used. Extra virgin olive oil is mechanically pressed so is prob ok... I am not a doctor or expert... but checking the ingredients of all food for any oils (other than Extra Vergin Olive Oil) and omitting the contaminated foods from my diet appears to be working with some success. I am on week 3 of the no oil diet with a 30% improvement....

Posted Fri 27 Mar 2015 15.02 by Miyaya

A big hug....you are not alone. I was covered in psoriasis a few years ago after a dosage of antibiotics. Sometimes, it is the body wanting to vent out quickly. But let me give you the confidence, it will go, at least almost. Please ask for professional help by either referring you to hospital, or if you have a small fortune, find a private dermatologist to deal with this, either with natural treatments or uv/medication My heart with you

Posted Fri 19 Jun 2015 17.39 by Asma
I have been psychologically affected. I reached a very low point last summer which is when I started to take positive action and research al

I am so sorry to hear that and really feel your pain. I too couldn't walk as my feet bled. I used ground nut oil every night and wrapped my feet in cling film. Within 6 weeks it cleared. I also changed my diet significantly. I can provide more details if you wish. I became so disheartened that I started looking at alternative, more holistic approaches to heal my skin and it has made a huge difference. Best wishes Asms

Posted Mon 22 Jun 2015 10.12 by gilligan
40 years

I have just become a member and haver had psoriasis for 40 years so can understand how you feel. I recently had a terrible outbreak all over face and chest and backs of hands, everywhere that other people can see.I have discovered babies nappy cream Sudocrem. Put it on your psoriasis at bedtime and Aveeno in day. Mine has so improved.I saw this tip of nappy cream in another letter. Give it a try

Posted Wed 15 Jul 2015 17.34 by Dawwger
I have had Palmer Planter P. now for approximately 2 1/2 years. I've had psoriasis since I was 12 or so, but now it is on my the palms of m

I am right with you Q... I am so frustrated and depressed about the debilitating effect of this disease! I would rather call it a curse! It is destroying my life. As a carpenter I can no longer work at this point. The pain from all of the cuts and splits in my hands has led to me being unemployed,(let alone the pain from my cracked and fissured feet if I walk too much) I also know what you mean...attempting to get out of bed if I half been too tired to put Eucerin, or vaseline on my feet before I fall asleep, is so excruciating that I have fallen to the floor. I have been forced to crawl at times! I am now living in poverty, unable to work and out of unemployment benefits. I have tried many treatments, and they have only given temporary relief. I have read every post in this thread, Some that I have seen that I might try next. Like many have said, you are obviously not alone. I am a big strong man, in the prime of my life, and this disease has me crying as well. I am so depressed, that I really am almost ready to give up... Sorry that my post is not helpful at all. I just needed to get it off my chest after reading your post. Your post is exactly how I feel as I write this.

Posted Fri 21 Aug 2015 23.33 by J7d
Plaque psoriasis 30 yrs

Pagano diet really works so try it; it has worked for me and taken the fear away with the disease. Healing Psoriasis, the Natural Alternative by John Pagano, available on Amazon. Explains what causes psoriasis and gives lots of dietary advice towards curing it. I have found it life changing.

Posted Mon 7 Sep 2015 07.02 by dougie
i have it all over my body

hi all diet IS the answer i have given up eating wheat altogether if it has wheat i aviod it also i have given up cows milk and use almond milk which lasts longer as far as im concerned cows milk is for cows i also have a nutri bullet and have a healthy smoothie most days which include fruits of the forest,spinach and carrot with other fruits including banana one other thing i do not drink tap water im sure that flouride is poison now the results of this prosess is my psoriasis is fading everywhere i believe if i keep this up it will go altogether i would definately recommend my fellow sufferers to give it a go it wont cost that much and could be the best thing ever let me know how your getting on god bless dougie

Posted Wed 21 Oct 2015 16.41 by giving up
ruining my life!!!

I really feel your pain,this awful condition has made me give up on life!the last week i have deleted all my social media accounts,turned my phone off and just hiding away from the world.i really cant see another wy

Posted Wed 9 Dec 2015 13.43 by hopecnvn
Can cure psoriasis.

One can get rid of psoriasis only from inside. Get in touch on my email nagspune@gmail.com

Posted Thu 4 Feb 2016 13.12 by stella
I have Hyperkeratotic eczema/ psoriasis I have on souls of heel as and patches over body no one seems to understand me

hi there I know how you feel I now have on feet so painful no one wants to know no one cares trying to work it hurts I cry too who can help even my doctors say you have to learn to live with it I have a mixed skin eczema and psoriasis all my life im now 50 so how long do I have to go with this pain help

1 Posted Wed 24 Feb 2016 13.24 by garey6395
I've had P for 16 years. First got it when I was 17. I'm now 33. I've been P free for 6 years. I can help you

moogoo products will shift your problem. seriously. check them out on facebook

Posted Sat 25 Jul 2020 19.36 by Tyler

I have had p since I was 21 I’m now 28 I’m covered head to toe. To be 100 percent clear of p I would suggest the light treatment or methotrexate! But there’s one steroid foam I would suggest aswell that works very well an gets rid of p within a month or two and that’s called estilar foam you just spray it on to the effected area! It’s really does work wonders and I highly recommend it it’s amazing just thought I’d let you all no because that’s the only cream / ointment that works for me yes I have patches where I had p but no scaly skin I can actually live with my p without stress ... stay happy people an just love your body you only have one life don’t let p ruin it 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

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