Genital Psoriasis

Posted Mon 22 Feb 2016 09.12 by itchyneville24
Guttate, scalp and genital psoriasis

Hi all, Does anyone have any advice of female genital psoriasis?? Over the years its just spread and spread and now I have been referred to have UV light treatment. I have been told they have never treated Genital psoriasis at my hospital and that I am the first and it makes me feel nervous. When I research it- it seems having UV light therapy in that area is very dangerous but I am so beside myself in itch and pain that I feel like its worth the risk. I'm at a point where the only thing that stops the itch is steroids and then I stop them and I immediately flare up again but even worse and in a bigger area. As I write this I feel to cry!!!

Posted Thu 27 Apr 2017 17.33 by ShabbyClown

Based on a blog I just read about genital psoriasis, the kind of psoriasis is more often than not treated with low dose steroid because the skin in the genital area is too thin and using topical ointments is not a good option.

Posted Fri 28 Apr 2017 02.16 by pascaleanu

I find that sudocreme helps.... also dermovate

Posted Fri 26 May 2017 21.54 by Venus143

I also have genital psoriasis, varying degrees over the years and I'm usually able to deal with it, although my body seems to be in overdrive and it's extremely bad at the mo, sore,itchy,spreading. I have had and still suffer from all forms if psoriasis and was diagnosed with P.A. 9 years ago now, on auto immune drugs etc but the genital psoriasis is driving me to distraction and with the warmer weather it's just getting worse, so I'd also be really grateful for any advice x

Posted Tue 30 May 2017 19.28 by Psoriasaurus Rex
Sick and tired of scratching the surface - want a cure.

I used to have it really bad down there. Sorion cream is all I can recommend, but it's been a godsend.

Posted Wed 31 May 2017 21.53 by happy

Short term temporary solution - castor oil Longer term permanent solution - healing the intestinal lining / tight junctions (John Pagano in his book Healing Psoriasis said that apparently a sitz bath containing Glycol-Thymoline or Lavoris helps.)

Posted Sun 4 Jun 2017 20.13 by mike4544

You'll be fine. That UVB light isn't nearly as bad as they make it out to be. You'll likely start with very short sessions at first to see how it goes. Personally I'd buy a lamp online and DIY it.

Posted Fri 3 Nov 2017 23.32 by mary505

I have been using sorion cream for two weeks and had the best nights sleep for 6 months last night. For the first week I was itchy but it has settled down now. Also patches on my legs and armpits have completely disappeared and big patches on legs and elbows have faded. I have no idea what is in this cream but I have also noticed that my scalp is better even though I haven't put and sorion directly on it.

Posted Mon 26 Feb 2018 23.12 by Tonko

I've had p on testis and around butt hole. Found lotriderm and/or betnovate creams worked well and cleared it. If it ever comes back I use cream for one or two nights then it's gone. Hope this helps

Posted Thu 5 Apr 2018 21.05 by futureradioligist

If any of you are still suffering from genital P and are unable to see a dermatologist, please check out my post, this approach has done wonders for me:

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