Weird case...getting conflicting doctor advice, any help would be much appreciated!

Posted Sat 23 Apr 2016 03.44 by bubblegirl

Hey all, any help much appreciated! I'm 27/F, I have chronic idiopathic angioedema, moderate asthma, allergies/anaphylaxis, costochondritis, I see an allergist every few months for the past 10 years and have been going back and forth to my Rheumatologist for a couple years now, because of the angioedema (tongue swells frequently, prednisone a lot, right thigh swells, biceps swell/rock hard, hands swell, right ribs, joints, ahem *downstairs* sometimes haha etc...) he is a bit confused/weary to fully put me in a box, but he has tentatively diagnosed me with Psoriatic Arthritis (bad nail pitting, frequent fachiitis, mild psoriasis, chronic assymetrical joint pain for 10+ years, lower back pain/inflammation in l4 joint, strong family history of psoriasis, both sides and dad has psoriatic arthritis too). Anyway, they want to put me on plaquenil, but I'm reluctant because I don't want to be one of the people who get crazy psoriasis breakouts from it...and I'm already taking 4 daily reactine, 300mg ranitodine, singulair, and a bunch of puffers. But I keep going on and off prednisone and doctors say that won't do even though it really helps me when I start tapering from 40 and the side effects decrease at around they think maybe plaquenil will help chill out my immune system and maybe even help with my lungs and hypersensitivity and inflammation/angioedema and stuff. But my family are really worried about the potential for psoriasis since we have such severe cases in the family and I don't want that on top of everything else. Also, my question is, two docs wanted to put me on a low dose of metropolol because my bp has been high-normal for a nice while and I am apparently tachychardic, also had a weird EKG come back. BUT that is a lot of meds...go on both? Or just Plaquenil? Also, I often get "gout-like" attacks in the base of my big toes, red, super painful, can't put any pressure on them, build a "box fort" in the sheets for foot and the whole shot haha, went to emerg a couple times and the docs there both said gout because my uric acid was pretty high, my dad had severe gout as young as 20, so they prescribed colchicine, don't know if it helped. The problem is my Rheum disagrees because of my age/gender and says it is psoriatic arthritis attacks because they can apparently spike your uric acid too? Anyone famaliar with this? My uric acid is always decently elevated, went down one blood test but usually over 400. So my other question is should I take colchicine for this when it happens? Like will that help lower my uric acid even though he thinks it is a P.A. reaction? Thanks sorry so much info and so all over the place!! Any guidance much appreciated! :)

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