Humira (Adalimumab) Injections

Posted Sun 24 Apr 2016 19.08 by charlie
I have had psoriasis for 50 years

Hi everyone. As a long-time sufferer of psoriasis, 46 years to be exact, and having tried just about everything, methatroxite, cyclosporin, acitretin etc, I've just recently went on to humira. After 4 injections my skin has certainly improved, but i seem to be suffering one or two side effects.I feel very tired but, in particular, I have had a very heavy cold for the last two weeks, which shows no sign of abating. I was wondering if anyone else had similar experiences.

Posted Mon 25 Apr 2016 07.09 by jperry
Since I lost my job last year I've got patches on the legs and arms. I have squama on the ski head as well.

Hello, I personally do not recommend to go through this treatment. it's very intensive and has got sever side effects. this treatment has been for long contested by dermatologists and several cases reported that psoriasis went off for some time, but it came back afterwards. I sincerely recommend other alternatives in regards to psoriasis treatments. Natural skin cares, essential oils, dead sea treatments can also help in eliminating psoriasis. Do not forget that stress causes psoriasis to flourish ! So yoga sessions, enjoying good times with friends and family and living in a positive and peaceful environment helps definitely to eliminate psoriasis. I have personally gone through alternative medicines and finds much comfort in natural treatment just like Pso Natura and Almond Essential oil. For the rest I practice sport. Squamas does reappear, but for god sake I can now control my psoriasis, with taking and risks and facing hard side effects just like with Humira injections. Hope to have helped. Regards, William

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