Erythrodermic psoriasis

Posted Fri 20 May 2016 13.29 by sickandtiredofP
So sick of psoriasis. After 12 years of flares it seems to get worse every time.

Hi, I've had psoriasis for 12 years and now have Erythrodermic psoriasis caused by oral steroids. My Dermatologist has given me Cyclosporine and given me a week for it to start improving before he admits me to hospital. I was wondering if anyone has had this type of psoriasis, How can I tell if its getting better or just starting a new cycle? Also not sure if I should still be using Dovobet and Dovonex on this type of psoriasis? Any help would be great

Posted Sun 26 Jun 2016 21.23 by sickandtiredofP
So sick of psoriasis. After 12 years of flares it seems to get worse every time.

As this is a rare type of P and I found it really hard to find anybody online who had experienced it. So for anyone who is searching in future I will put my experience here. So like I said I had psoriasis for about 12 years, I had large patch on my ankle that got infected so was referred to a dermatologist (end of march) and given an antibiotic gel. This did nothing. A few weeks layer I came out in a rash which started on my arms and quickly spread all over my body. I had tried coconut oil and put it down to a possible allergy to that. However a week later I started getting chills and was nauseous and tired. So I went the walk in Drs who told me it was caused by the infection. I was given antibiotics to take 4 times a day for a week. By day 3 on the antibiotics the rash had started joining together and my legs were swelling up so back I went to the walk in Dr who gave me additional antibiotics (so now on 6 per day) and Betnovate cream. 1 week later antibiotics finished and no improvement. My legs had swollen all the way up to my back, the rash which had now joined up so I was basically covered from the neck down to knees was raised raw and incredibly painful. I was freezing all the time even though it was hot weather, I wasn't sleeping with the pain and the sensation af being bitten by insects all night. I couldn't sit because it was all down the back of my legs and bottom, walking hurt using my arms hurt it was horrible. I went to A&E. They gave me more antibiotics,steroids (8 per day) and diazepam to make me sleep. The steroids were like a dream the rash started to disappear and I felt great. (A good nights sleep helped too) unfortunately as soon as you stop taking the steroids it comes back like wildfire. My derm appointment was not until mid June when that finally came through so out of desperation I paid to go private and it was not unto the 3rd visit to the private dermatologist when I mentioned that it was pealing off in sheets that he took another look and noticed that this was Erythrodermic psoriasis and generalised pustular psoriasis. Obviously I went home and googled these words and found that it is really serious and I should have been hospitalised. Luckily I was there that day to get the results of blood test and get prescription for cyclosporine which he said are a good treatment for this type of P. He told me that if there was no improvement in a week i had to phone him right away, so I started it that day and I really did calm it and start to clear it up, although it was a slow process I'm now on week 6 and around 80% clear. I'm aware that I've rambled but I hope this helps someone as I know I felt completely alone when I was going through this.

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