Fed up :(

Posted Thu 26 May 2016 22.50 by Leonie4002

I've had psoriasis for over 5 years now at first it was only ever on my scalp and round my hair line it use to get so bad it would weep and bleed and be very very think the past couple of years it had calmed down not gone but just a normal amount around my hair line and in my head but not as noticeable I then notices it on my elbows and now in the past few months I've had patches showing on my legs ribs arms back neck ears and now really large symmetrical patches on my forehead I've tried 3 differed creams ointments on my scalp none of them seem to work but to be honest I can live with it on my scalp it's just everywhere else visible, I'm a beautician how can I give people advice on their skin when I can't even look after my own? The doctors have given me lots of different creams for my face , shower soaps and head treatments and none of them seem to work it's like It's never going to calm down. Any suggestions on what I should do or use ?

Posted Fri 27 May 2016 15.31 by tclark2068 (edited Sat 28 May 2016 16.33 by scooterjo33)
I have been diagnosed with P since I was 6 years old and I am 28 now. I suffer horrifically all over my body and on my scalp.

Hi Leonie, I hear you :( I'm 28, had it since I was about 6 off and on and I just don't know how to control it. I have had UV treatment on a few occasions and use creams, salt baths, try and cut things out of my diet, go to the gym more etc and it is going through a really stubborn phase atm where it just isn't budging. All I want to do this summer is to go and be able to go and buy a nice bloody dress or not have to walk into a clothes shop and buy things up to my neck and long sleeved, or jeans or trousers. It's so upsetting! Have you found anything that works at all? The only time I have ever been almost "clear" is 4 years ago when I first met my boyfriend, but now it's back in full force and I just don't know what to do. I would suggest cutting out all the good things, caffeine, fatty foods, starch like bread, pasta but as we both know thats not going to help! Have you insisted at the doctors that you want to be referred to the hospital? That's where I am at now and have an appointment with the derma next week.

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