sun-tan lotion advice

Posted Tue 31 May 2016 00.17 by Flareupuser
Have psoriasis since 18 years old. Extensive.

Can anyone advise on good sunscreeen for psoriasis skin.

Posted Thu 2 Jun 2016 16.59 by AlyssaJayneShaw
I have plague psoriasis on my elbow and guttate psorasis all over my body.

Hey ive just been to dermatology today and they didnt tell me a specific brand of sunscreen just told me that fair skin (pale skin) like myself should use Factor 30 or above sunscreen whilst other skin types can be factor 15 or above. if that helps

Posted Thu 7 Jul 2016 20.38 by Lorna

Hi there, I live in a very hot climate and am always aware of getting sunburnt...I've also got very bad pustular psoriasis on my feet and occasional dermatitis on my face. I've used an aloe vera sunlotion because I cant touch conventional suncreams in case I get a reaction and the aloe vera lotion seems to protect me without any horrid rashes or reactions. Pure aloe vera gel( from inside the plant-sieved and blended) is great for soothing and moisturizing although does not "cure" the psoriasis. I recently tried dietary changes in an effort to sort out my feet, I love my food and this is no easy thing for me to do but I have noticed less inflammation when I have stopped eating meat and have really cut down sugar. I've been eating loads of oily fish for omega 3- and apart from today( when I've caved in and had an ice cream and some chicken ) itnrwally seems to be helping. Does anyone else have any good tips? I just manage to keep this under control, I've been down the steroid route and would rather stay away from those creams although when I cannot walk I have to resort to them again. I walk everywhere and rely on my feet as I do not have a car-sometimes my feet are terrible and other times sore but bearable just. Would love to hear from other sufferers and what the best options are because I'm determined not to let this defeat me. Thanks for taking the time to read my babble, Lorna

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