Newbie post, advice please!

Posted Sat 25 Jun 2016 16.24 by Wonderlust5012

Hi everyone, i am completely new to the forum so any help and patience is needed. I have been diagnosed (not officially) with psoriasis and also have it in my scalp. I have used a dovonet cream on it my torso which works wonders. However, my scalp is still terrible. I went for an initial consultation to see a dermatologist but because my skin is fine, I have just been referred back to my GP. Does anyone have any advice on my scalp, and what I can use? Coal tar doesn't help at all and makes it even more greasy. Does everyone else get greasy hair from their psoriasis? It has started to impact on my confidence and I am constantly asking my friends and family if my hair looks greasy! It itches a lot, and becomes inflamed if I itch it! Any advice or tips please? My psoriasis originally came out for the first and only time when I used a new shampoo and a cleanser on my face. Have people had similar experiences? Sorry for the rambling and the essay! Any tips or advice/information is really helpful to me, I feel so in the dark!

Posted Sun 10 Jul 2016 20.13 by cal4th (edited Sun 10 Jul 2016 20.15 by cal4th)

Hello, I have had Psoriasis for around 14 years and have only recently found something that works on my scalp, after using coldtar, dovobet gel scalp applications etc. Depending on how bad it is, may be worth asking your doctor about Betacap scalp application or Benovate scalp application, they are both in liquid form. Ask for your doctors thoughts on Betacap scalp application first, as this worked best for me, but my scalp isn't that bad., hope this helps :) P.s. if your noticing itching from your shampoo, you could try Simple shampoo and conditioner, no fragrances, I use this, you can buy it from Boots for £2.99 but you can get it from Poundland.

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