My GP and dermatology consultant have told me that my first EVER flare-up in November 21 was almost certainly caused by the Pfizer vaccine. I’m not knocking the vaccine - just having a pity party. After 65 years of only knees and elbows (now aged 74) I now have P all over my body and on my scalp. Has this happened to anyone else?
Posted Tue 14 Jun 2022 17.26 by Kiziahgrade
I am experiencing a similar situation, near enough 20 years of only having psoriasis on my elbows and knees I am now absolutely covered in guttate all over my body after having the Pfizer vaccine earlier on this year. I even asked me doctors if they could give me a medical excemption from the vaccine as I was concerned of this happening but was pressured by my ( old boss ) to get the vaccine due to being a health care worker. Did not get any feed back from doctors after several requests, so had to get it or risk loosing my job. And even just yesterday at a consultation with a specialist for my psoriasis the GP disregarded my concerns that there could be a link. Should be discussed more openly. As I am convinced it has changed my immune response to viral infections after being fine for so many years, my guttate flare up started from having tonsillitis which is a common thing I know but I've had many of these types of viruses over the years and never suffered like this apart from when i first developed psoriasis when I was very young.
Posted Wed 15 Jun 2022 10.43 by Sandie
Hi Kiziahgrade - sorry to hear you are struggling and much worse than I am by the sound of it.
I was covered with P as a child, and at 10 years old I had 6 weeks in hospital with intensive coal tar and phototherapy. Reduced finally to knees and elbows for 60 years. Nothing ever caused it to change till Pfizer booster - it flared within 3 days! With Enstilar and Exorex daily I am finally seeing improvement. Waiting for hospital to contact re: light therapy assessment. I caught COVID over the weekend so the pity party is really rocking now!
Posted Wed 15 Jun 2022 13.42 by Kiziahgrade
I have been using enstillar for years now and I really does help keep it a bay. But it's not being effective during this flare up and difficult to cover all the spots at the moment so waiting now for my phototherapy to start, have just been prescribed exorex and dovobet gel which I'm crossing my fingers helps as I'm due to start working in a hospital and feel very anxious about it with p on my arms elbows and hands, I'm hopping some time at the coast will help too. glad to here you have had results in past, my mum was hospitalized with it when she was a child aswell. Sounded awful for her luckily mine went when I first had full body guttate at 13 , and just stayed on my elbows and knees. I'm 31 now and very surprised to have at attack like this.
Posted Wed 15 Jun 2022 15.25 by Sandie
Interesting that you are in health care. 3 hospitals refused to take me for nurse training because of my elbows were ‘unsightly’ for patients to see. Luckily times changed and I became a nurse in the end - a mature student!
Hope the sun and sea help you and the phototherapy finally clears it up. My doctors have said I must not have Pfizer vaccine again but I’m hoping none of us ever need to go down that route again.
Posted Wed 22 Jun 2022 17.25 by dogsisu
Anyone have hard research on Pfizer vaccine and flare ups. Definite increase in patches and flares ups since 3rd vaccine... and seems to be getting worse with time.
Posted Fri 24 Jun 2022 18.39 by amandacl
I'm experiencing the worst flare up for many years after 3 vaccinations. My GP says this is not linked to vaccines but nothing else in my life has changed. I'm sorry to hear all your stories but it's a relief to know it's not just me. It frustrates me so much that many GP's seem to disregard psoriasis as a serious condition to live with . Like many of you I've been hospitalised for spells so I would think that makes it serious. But yet again the attitude seems to be bad luck, nothing to do with vaccinations. No more vaccinations for me.
Posted Fri 24 Jun 2022 19.58 by dogsisu
Thank you amandact.
Posted Sat 25 Jun 2022 01.34 by Mary1968
Don't know which vaccinations you are specifically referring to
But flares ARE linked to the Covid vaccination
After much argument - doctor and dermatologist have just confirmed it to me
Posted Sat 25 Jun 2022 13.39 by Sandie (edited Wed 29 Jun 2022 17.02 by Sandie)
My dermatologist stressed if I DO have another vaccine it must not be Pfizer. Sadly I can’t see me taking the risk of another flare up. I’m not knocking the vaccines in any way - for me it’s just too risky now.
I’m just getting over COVID … the irony!
I have not had any covid vaccines as I researched my psoriasis condition and possible links to the vaccine, people with psoriasis have reactive immune systems already so having the vaccine can make our immune system go haywire, I have had covid last year and I felt no worse than if I had a cold, I’m glad I haven’t had any vaccines but I have had family members and friends question my decision, all I can say is that they have no idea what having psoriasis is like, especially as there is NO cure and is usually a life long condition, or how it effects your mental health as well as your body, I know I made the right decision for me, even if some feel this was selfish!!
Posted Fri 1 Jul 2022 10.05 by Sandie
Mandy, it was, still is, your decision to make and you felt the risk of not having it was worth it. I’m glad your covid event was nothing more serious. Hand on heart I can’t say I would have made a different decision had I known this might happen. Flare-up wise - I think I’d rather live ‘with it’ than be dead without it! I had no reaction at all with either of my Astra vaccines - it was the Pfizer that did for me!!
Posted Sat 9 Jul 2022 04.40 by Mary1968
I flared after Pfizer
But was fine after Novavax
If I had my way, I would have remained unvaccinated - but didn't have that choice if I wanted to keep my job
Posted Fri 12 Aug 2022 04.18 by kestypes (edited Fri 19 Aug 2022 23.16 by kestypes)
Yes, absolutely happened to me. Formerly only elbows and knees pretty much, now everywhere. And very itchy. Formerly only had plaque, now accompanied by guttate.. I had the Astrazeneca vaccine.
Posted Sat 13 Aug 2022 11.19 by jolenedolly
I'm 50:50 with these vaccine things, some people it helps but most people reporting side effects and flare ups is just urgghh, sorry
Posted Sat 13 Aug 2022 16.52 by Sandie
Hi Kestypes
I’ve only used Double Base moisturiser on my skin since July 7th. ( was on Enstilar and Erorex) I have been sunbathing and sea swimming as often as possible and beyond grateful to only have a few tiny areas on my upper thigh now. Scalp a bit troublesome still but better than when the flare up happened.
Will it ALL come back or will I only get back my original knees and elbows? Only time will tell and after reading letters on this forum I know how lucky I have been in the grand scheme of things.
Good luck to everyone suffering with this awful condition.
Posted Thu 18 Aug 2022 20.06 by EmmaB
I had vaccine and within days my psoriasis started getting worse and I started having problems with my eyes, so I went to the Hospital and I was told psoriasis was causing problems with my eyes, as you can get it anywhere on /in your body . I then caught covid and my eyes and skin got even worse .. steroid drops made my eyes worse so now I am going to have to go on immunosuppressants . I have had psoriasis 40 years and it has always been kept under control with UV therapy . I never thought I’d have to go on immunosuppressants :(
Posted Thu 18 Aug 2022 21.49 by LaughingFlea
I also had a booster of Pfizer vaccination, in late December 2021.
I have to say that this year I noticed that my scalp psoriasis got much worse. I could not work it out why. It has been under contol, or almost none for a long time. I was taking the same medication for other issues and everything was fine.
First, I noticed that it was getting worse in January. The skin has just not stopped getting thicker and I was finding patches in new places. Since then I have been battling with it all the time. I suspected the vaccines but there was nothing about it on the internet.
Here is one link if you want to read about it.
Moderna vaccine is the same type as Pfizer (mRNA).
Now, I am a bit apprehensive about getting next winter booster this autumn.
Posted Fri 19 Aug 2022 10.16 by Kiziahgrade
I just thought i would update from my previous post, my guttate attack has near enough almost vanished, after almost 4 months. all that's left is some discoloured skin like small purplish dots which I can't figure out if it's scar tissue or not? still have redish elbows and knees but I can live with that. I can't tell you how happy I am. I have been using exorex and dovabet gel. I also take 5htp and turmeric and vitamin C and vitamin D... broken up with partner of 6 years aswell and feel fantastic. Less stress at home has really helped aswell. Single mum of 2 and my psoriasis is healing. Not having any more covid vaccine's again. No way. I tried for the greater good and my own pysical and mental health was compromised. I know I shouldn't cover up but I still feel the need to cover up even though my skin is much better. It's very upsetting when girls my age are out in next to nothing I've always been so shy. But I admire people who don't feel ashamed and it is so liberating. My next goal is going out in public with my legs out. Wish me luck 🙏
Posted Fri 19 Aug 2022 20.43 by Sandie
Kiziahgrade hi!
Although I’m much older than you I was very nervous going to the beach and displaying my flare-up scales to the world. It was a different world all of a sudden. I hid away at first but then thought *** it, walked down the beach and went in the sea! BTW I have purplish patches on my feet where flare up P has faded.
I’ve never worn short sleeves or skirts EVER even in a heat wave. I hope you feel strong enough to go out soon with your new legs - in the fresh air.
The Covid booster time is looming for me and I am very conflicted. New vaccines will have been tweaked to cover new variants and even those may cause a flare-up even though there was no problem before.
I hope all goes well for you now your life is less stressful.
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