vitamin d3

Posted Fri 1 Jul 2022 15.04 by CHRISTOSO

I have moderate plaque psoriasis since 19yo ,i am 61 now..Areas affected are scalp,elbows,lower back,lower legs,genitals,nails.During the summer i spend a lot of time at the beach and and this helps me heal 80% of my scales.A lot of the scales are covered by the bathing suite so i try to sunbathe nude whenever i can.During the winter i use the usual cortizone ointments that can help me avoid bleeding when scratching the scales but i hate doing it every day and it does not stop relapse.Last year my wife and i decided not to take the covid vaccine and instead follow a protocol that strengthens the immune system as some doctors suggested.This included some nutrition supplements and vitamins.I never look after my nutrition and health so my wife is the doctor(amateur) of the house and i was taking whatever she gave me without checking it.I am not even sure when i started,it was end of september or october,a time of the year when usually my psoriasis starts getting worse as i stop sunbathing.As time went by i realized that i used much less ointment than before and somehow during December i almost didnt need it..My body was 90% better compared to any December past!!It was even better than it is during summer!!I guessed it had to do with the vitamins and supplements i was taking but i didnt know what exactly helped..Anyway i was happy about it but covid was the real enemy then!!Finally we both tested positive for covid in January,it was mild and after 7-10 days we were feeling strong again..Then i stopped taking the vitamins and supplements as i was not in danger any more and i hate taking 5 different pills a day,special powders etc..Eventually 1 month later it was obvious my psoriasis was coming back,i had to find what helped me!!I had a suspicion it was vitamin d3 and i googled about it.I noticed i was taking much more (12-15000 IU) daily than the recommended by the state dose but it was not toxic..So i started again taking d3 and things got better very soon.I recently tested the vitamin d level in my blood and it was normal, suggesting i had a vitamin d deficiency before taking much more than the recommended daily dose.There are recent case studies in the internet with people treated with even higher daily d3 doses and seeing great improvement, maybe you should check your blood d3 level

Posted Sat 9 Jul 2022 04.35 by Mary1968

Hello Wow, 15000IU is awfully high, and you are certainly exceeding the RDA of 1000IU. At those high levels, it can be toxic if exceeded for too long. I recently read of a man who died from taking something stupidly crazy like 50,000IU a day. If seriously deficient, then yes you can take high doses, but best to do under medical supervision and for a short duration. However, being deficient in VD, can also have a huge detrimental impact on your general health too. I find it better to take small doses over longer periods of time. I normally sit around 3000IU daily. I too found that Vitamin D3 is extremely helpful for calming and clearing psoriasis. The sun is not enough. Extra supplementation really helps a LOT. Especially in England and colder climates Lots of anecdotal reports on the web, plus some scientific papers on PubMed.

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