Anyone else treat their psoriasis naturally?

Posted Fri 1 Jul 2022 15.46 by veganmama1995

So I've had psoriasis for about ten years tried creams etc from doctor but decided to stop using them as the psoriasis just comes back so now I just treat it by getting out in the sun daily, moisturising with organic coconut and tea tree oils mixed together and bathing but not in a bath that is too hot I'm also vegan so no dairy or meat but I've been vegan for six years and my skin hasn't cleared but I don't think the diet thing is a cure all for everybody anyway also hormones have played a big part for me as I've had two children and also have bipolar/anxiety so stress is a big trigger for me. Anyway does anyone else treat theirs naturally without steroid creams etc? Would love to know 🥰

Posted Sun 3 Jul 2022 09.52 by Lolomarie

I’ve really been trying to figure out ways treat mine naturally. I’m wondering if you know if chlorella helps?

Posted Thu 7 Jul 2022 11.49 by Xandy

I have weekly enbrel injections for psoriatic arthritis so definitely not natural BUT it only works for the arthritis and seems no help to me (unlike some) for the psoriasis. When I was younger my father lived in the West Indies and my psoriasis cleared up totally in a few weeks. Sadly not enough sun here and phototherapy does not work either for me. But I would definitely recommend moisturiser and sun. I believe that I got psoriasis from lithium so I understand the dislike of drugs. I also got hepatitis from methotrexate which is how I ended up on biologics (enbrel). But because I got psoriatic arthritis from the psoriasis and had to have two knee replacements,I definitely recommend trying to get the psoriasis under control even if it means occasional use of strong steroid cream. You want to avoid the arthritis if possible and it came in my case much later than the psoriasis.

Posted Sat 9 Jul 2022 04.04 by Mary1968

Hello veganmama1995 Not to offend you (not my intention). But many vegan diets can be lacking in nutrients, and high in irritants. For example, I notice my local vegan restaurant has a LOT of dishes that contain Nightshades - white potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, aubergines, etc... Vegetables from the Nightshade family tend to be very irritating and inflammatory to both psoriasis and arthritis sufferers. Alternatively, consuming Essential Fatty Acids, and foods that calm and reduce inflammation, are needed. The best known are salmon and sardines or fish oil supplements......all excellent for calming psoriasis and reducing arthritis pains, but obviously neither are suitable for you. Dealing with hormones, health issues like bipolar and anxiety, can all be stressful, and stress is exceedingly detriment for psoriasis sufferers. I find tree tree oil better for fungal infections. Prefer lavender oil and calendula oil better for psoriasis I have an extremely stressful job and need to be vigilant that I am looking after my emotional and mental health, so I don't flare up. Therefore, I treat psoriasis naturally with diet modifications, supplements, moisturizing oils (coconut etc...), essential oils, and stress management. I avoid all steroidal treatments.

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