Finally after 22 years

Posted Fri 15 Jul 2022 21.16 by Penorri

Had psoriasis since a serious Road Accident 22 years ago. Started off as a small patch on my lower back right next to operation scar a month after the op. Consultants blamed Trauma. Had all the usual treatments, ointments, light treatment etc nothing worked as it spread to arms, legs, all over back and scalp.. Then came the rot, was give Sulfasalazine. That, after a month wiped out my white blood cells and I was very ill. Then they tried Methotrexate, nearly cleared it but then rushed into hospital with pneumonitis a massive infection in my lungs caused by the Metho. Spent week and a half on oxygen. Then this nice Dermatologist, on loan as a locum to my practice from Harley Street. She obtained funding from the NHS (and it ain't cheap) for Consentyx (Secukinumab). This is a monthly jab. Within few weeks it started to go quite quickly and went after about 9 months. Now 12 months on I am completely free of the dreaded P. It has even sorted out my joints as they were all painful and I was diagnosed with Arthritic Psoriasis. Sad thing is, this prescription is clearly subject to your clinic's budget and health trust area. I don't know nor does my Consultant, the possible long term effects of Consentyx. At last check up I asked how long would I stay on it, the answer surprised me "As long as you want to stay on it" was reply. Don't give up peeps, ask for it, they can only say no and fall off their chairs!!

Posted Tue 19 Jul 2022 23.57 by JamesFoster

I am happy for you that you have finally got your health and therefore your life back.. I have suffered from psoriasis since I was 14. I am 45 now. Recently my joints have really started to ache and I was always feeling really tired all the time. Then the psoriasis spread to my face. That was the last straw. I tried Methotrexate for 18 month. I got maybe a 50% improvement. But I got some unpleasant side effects. I have been put on Skyrizi a competitor to Cosentyx, Stelara, Bimzelx and Taltz. I had my first injection a week ago. We are lucky that these drugs exist and that we have the opportunity to try them.

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