Sun treatment

Posted Tue 19 Jul 2022 01.38 by

Had psoriasis for last 20 years Have had treatment in the past but has reoccurred in on several instances My case would be cleared as mild previously but feel it’s progressing drastically UV therapy has proved effective in the past but difficult to arrange and inconvenient Use topical creams eumovate betnovate but effect seems limited recently In last few weeks effects have got progressively worse as bad as it’s been on the body not sure the cause Have tried to take advantage of the sun but again affect seems limited if not making it worse In the past the some was a good temporary solution

Posted Tue 19 Jul 2022 01.38 by

Anyone in a similar scenario would appreciate advice

Posted Tue 19 Jul 2022 16.52 by bargainlovingmum

Hi klynch777780 - thanks for posting. It's so hard and disheartening sometimes, isn't it? I've had similar experiences to you. I started enstillar foam about 2 months back and that has made a positive difference for me. I sometimes wear a skirt or shorts now for the first time in years. I've got some marks and little patches of P, so I have to feel comfortable enough to 'get my legs out'. I'm going to have to start weaning off enstillar in the next couple weeks, which I'm a bit nervous about due to steroid withdrawal rebound. I've got the steroid creams you mention, plus vit D cream to help. I also tried the Hanna Sillitoe book ideas. My skin got a lot better for the 1st lot of months, but the psoriasis started to come back after that, despite being careful, so I have gone back to eating what I like, but staying off alcohol and drinking plenty water... Not sure if any of this helps, but just in case it does. All the very best with it all. Really hope you find something that helps you

Posted Tue 30 Aug 2022 10.14 by Lex

Hello, Sorry for your situation. I've had psoriasis for about 40 years. When i was younger (pre kids) i had the time to sunbath for a week and get rid of some of it. But an hour of sun every now and then does not have any effect. Besides to much sun is pretty bad for the skin as well. I maxed out of UV treatments a while ago. Only thing i can tell you workes for me now is taking cold showers in the morning (never add warm water again). (It's in an other discussion on the forum started by DeepBreath who had similar positive experience as mine). Wish you all the best.

Posted Sun 11 Sep 2022 15.10 by Sarbie

Hi Lex, can I ask you about the cold showers please? I was having for about 2 months a tepid 2 min shower followed by a 3 min cold shower. This seems to have really improved my scalp psoriasis. I was advised subsequently not to even have any tepid water so now I take a 5 min cold shower every morning. This has been for the last couple of weeks. Not sure if there's much change on my body psoriasis yet so I was wondering how long it took for you to see results?

Posted Sun 11 Sep 2022 15.50 by Lex (edited Sun 11 Sep 2022 21.56 by Lex)

Hello Csarbs, I think i started see real difference after a months or so. Meaning some spot getting less redness and scaling. In the months after this, they gradully retreated. But it is also different for the location on the body. First to retreat were across my front side ribs and belly button.. Lower back, very large patch (two hands size), gradually went 1-2 months. Then underarms and elbows. The buttocks still are retreating. I'm guessing because of more fat there is less circulation so takes longer. Skin on lower legs took 2-3 months. Scalp is actually still there. But it wasnt very bad for me last couple of years. Some spots flare up, but dissappear after some weeks. From what i understand you need a cold shock, for your body to produce the good hormones and such. Easing into it from hot to cold won't do it. Put shower in blue and jump under. The body needs to get out of comfort. This also seems to be positive influence on stressed feeling. Long answer short. Give it some time and hang in there . Also look at this below link about research. Also: really avoid scratching or rubbing or otherwise irritate the skin. This is counter effective.

Posted Sun 11 Sep 2022 18.14 by Sarbie

Hi Lex, thanks so much for your reply, it has really made me more positive! I've been going into straight cold for about 2 weeks but it's good to hear from you that it takes time. I need to be patient! My belly button is also better already and some patches on legs and arms a bit lighter. Agree also about the buttocks - I have quite a few patches there about the size of one pence coins. I have very low lymphocytes and apparently this can be linked to psoriasis, high cortisol etc. My trigger is always extreme stress, not bad diet as I have always been a healthy eater. I have started daily 30 min meditation and that's really helping. Also going for hypnotherapy next week. I going to come off the steroid creams and try coal tar for the time being. I hope my posts help others as yours has helped me Lex.

Posted Tue 13 Sep 2022 22.41 by

Thanks for the response Was hoping to avoid cold showers treatment but will try It seems there’s so many variations for psoriasis treatment difficult to keep track The big thing for me is that it use to easy treat now it feels like a battle

Posted Wed 14 Sep 2022 08.47 by Lex (edited Wed 14 Sep 2022 08.50 by Lex), You really should! I learn about more and more ppl that have very good experience with cold showers. Just remember the cold showers will always give you a cold shock. This is what triggers the process. But your adaptation speed will increase. In time, after a minute under you will be fine. Start gradually. Accept that change may take some time. Many of us have been suffering for years. 5 minutes of cold showers a day is nothing compared to that. Hang in there! Ps: just start slow.

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