New to the site, guidance needed

Posted Wed 20 Jul 2022 23.12 by Lucy J-OS

Hi guys, I'm new to the site but have been a sufferer for a long time! I was diagnosed at 16, triggered by the high pressure of exams. 8 years later and I'm now very much living with my Psoriasis. Mine is all in the scalp and ear area. I've used a shampoo for years to help combat my flare ups. Over the last 6 months I've noticed pain and almost ceasing up of my knees. Some days I limp or distribute my weight differently to normal because my knees are so bad. My ankles have always been clicky and get frequently sore with no reasonable cause. However my knees is a new development. For over 15 years I've also suffered massively with jaw problems (awaiting possible surgery) due to degeneration of my cartilage. My jaw is in constant agony (so much so I use transdermal patches when flare ups are unbearable) It makes me wonder whether the two are linked, whether I have developing psoriatic arthritis or if it's generally just 'clicky joints' Most people might just say ring your gp but mine is the kind where you ring from the minute they open, you continue ringing for an hour or so only to get through and all appointments that day are gone. If it's nothing I'd rather not waste my time So please anyone who suffers with any of this what guidance can you give me.

Posted Thu 21 Jul 2022 05.16 by Happychappy

You certainly have challenges. As difficult as it is to see your GP, you need to see them as you may need bloods, x rays and other tests as first point of call. Perhaps call into the surgery if you can't get through on phone and explain your problems to receptionist and ask for a call back. I appreciate your frustration, but you need to see your GP . Good luck.

Posted Tue 23 Aug 2022 21.34 by michmo

you could well be developing psoriatic arthiritis.i have just been diagnosed with carpal tunnel which will require an gp requested an xray.i think he suspects psoriatic arthiritis aswell.

Posted Thu 1 Sep 2022 19.33 by Heatherb

Hi guys. I am new to this forum. It's been a long couple years dealing with this disease. I got divorced, bought a new house and got a fresh start and then the pain began. My hands hurt after ripping up boxes..I went to the rheumatologist and told him my mom has Ra,my nana had ra,my sister has psoriasis and my mom's cousin is in a wheelchair because of ra. My rheumatologist gave me every nsaid under the sun. My blood work came back fine except for the ANA. I get psoriasis on the back of my head. Maybe psoriatic arthritis he says. No nsads work so we try plaqinel. Doesn't work. Methotrexate doesn't work. Now humira. 8 weeks and 4 shots later still pain in first joint in fingers, thumb and now I have psoriasis on my butt. Any advice?

Posted Sun 4 Sep 2022 15.20 by Nelly

Hi all i am new to this forum, I have just been diagnosed with psoriasis on the soles of my feet after paying privately to see a consultant dermatologist. For 12 months i was wrongly diagnosed with having a fungal infection by GPS etc. Can anyone give any tips to managing the condition Thanks

Posted Thu 12 Jan 2023 04.08 by Abolla2

I had psoriasis on my feet, where the arch is on both feet. It would then wrap around up to my ankles. I was given Dovobet helped but very little. Feet swelled up to a size and half larger. Finally the doctor suggested methotrexate. I did the pills. Started at 8 pills then up to 10 and now I’m down to 6 a week. Best thing I ever did, within 6 weeks I saw a major difference. My feet have been clear for a few years now, still on the metho.

Posted Thu 12 Jan 2023 13.09 by Nelly

Hi thanks for your reply have you had any side affects from the methotrexate

Posted Thu 12 Jan 2023 20.51 by Lucy J-OS

Thanks for all the replies guys! So far I've had bloods and a 'physiotherapy session' whereby they determined my abnormally low white blood cell didn't exist and have basically sent me packing! I've now developed a weird rash on my wrist which does seem to almost mirror the psoriasis I have on my scalp but they don't really care. It's been confirmed my jaw is early onset arthritis (I'm 24!!!) And theat my GP should be pushing me through to a rheumatology department but they don't care :(

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