Any one on Secukinumab injections

Posted Tue 26 Jul 2022 22.07 by sian_midget1998

I am due to start this medication as I have not had luck with methotrexate or humria, how has it affected you? What are the side affects? How long till you saw improvements with skin and joints?

Posted Wed 27 Jul 2022 00.40 by Penorri

Hi, Have been on Consentyx (Secukinumab) for over a year. It completely cleared my P and made my joints much better than they were. I had no side effects except to say that on the day I take it, that night, I have some vivid dreams, also makes me a bit tired. Day after, I'm fine. It works for me but we are all different and each have different side effects if any. I started off on weekly for 5 weeks self injecting and give myself 2 x 150mg jabs. (best place is legs where there is plenty of fat/muscle, one in each leg), Doesn't really hurt, might sting a bit but that only lasts seconds. I now only do it monthly. My P stated disappearing after only a few weeks. Best of luck with it.

Posted Sat 20 Aug 2022 13.05 by sian_midget1998

Thank you for getting back to me, this was a lot of help. I took my first does of consentyx 300mg yesterday, im rather used to the pain of doing injection and i dont think they hurt that bad but then again ive done for a long time with huria so im kinda used to it by now aha. i just hope i have finally found the mediction that is going to help me, i have suffered over 15 years with my case being serve and not cleaered once just getting worse. i can not wait to see the improvement and i know i will shed some tears once i have clear skin again as i havent seen myself with clear skin for over 15 years as ive always been covered as never been able to get it under control, it nice to have a platform like this so i can speak with other who are in the same situation and know that i am not alone. they are other out theyre who undertsnad what i am going througha nd teh sturggles and the affect thsi has on your menatl state. its amazing to have that support out there.

Posted Sat 20 Aug 2022 13.42 by Penorri

I hope it works for you and you get no side effects. As I said I get none but we are all different (thank gawd). If it does work for you, I can assure you your mental health will rocket. Mine did I feel so much better in myself. Ensure your consultant gets you to have regular blood tests as he/she should. I get a phone consult every three months and he sends a blood test form by post for me to have about 2 weeks before the consult so he has results. Best of luck P

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