Help!! Advice, tips and any kind of tricks please

Posted Wed 3 Aug 2022 20.09 by tara95

Hi all, I’m new here so I’m aware something like this may have been posted sooner so apologies in advance if it has! I’m 27, have guttate psoriasis which started when I was about 19. It went from one tiny patch to the entire of body in a mere couple of months, affecting not only obviously my physical health but also my mental health. I received light therapy which cleared it up relatively well as well as being lined up to start taking cyclosporine, however went overseas shortly after so came off of it. It has been relatively manageable since then - living overseas with sun and saltwater swims is what I believed kept it at bay minus the obvious random patches on knees and elbows etc. Fast forward to now something has caused it to flare up on a huge scale. Since June it’s started to cover the majority of my body again and whilst I’m waiting to see my dermatologist in September I feel like I’m desperate for help and advice on what to do? Im almost on the cusp of getting a loan to buy a bloody £2000 UVB lamp in so desperate! Literally ANY suggestions or ideas for what has worked for anyone would be so appreciated, wether it’s medicinal, dietary or holistic I’ll take anything please 🙏🏼 Thanks in advance xo

Posted Sun 7 Aug 2022 04.20 by Mary1968

Those UVB lamps are meant to be good. Maybe you could hire one instead of buying. Try before you buy.

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