N-acetylcysteine and glycine

Posted Sat 20 Aug 2022 07.35 by mt382

Quite a number of studies now highlighting the positive impact of both on inflammation, heart disease and diabetes risk, and generally a reduction in oxidative stress (cancer causing, aging, and high in patients with inflammatory conditions). Both are the building blocks of glutathione, which has been shown in a couple of smaller studies to reduce psoriasis severity (which is expected theoretically), with no larger studies yet completed. Glutathione is an inflammatory modulator, and directly targets several of the inflammatory chemicals implicated in psoriasis. Generally, its hard to successfully raise glutathione levels orally, with the more successful route being to take the building blocks as above. Has anyone tried either of these? If so, with any success? I know that in the US, N-acetylcysteine is now classed as a drug, but in the UK its still sold as a supplement.

Posted Thu 22 Sep 2022 02.40 by StuEuro (edited Thu 22 Sep 2022 02.43 by StuEuro)

Hi, So I've been following these studies as well and they look promising. https://academic.oup.com/biomedgerontology/advance-article/doi/10.1093/gerona/glac135/6668639?login=false The study improved inflammation markedly. The first issue is the dose in the clinical trial was quite hefty!! 100mg per kg of weight I believe. So if my maths is right an average 12.5 stone person would work out as 178kg x100mg of each of NAC and Glycine. NAC can be found in 800mg (600mg is more common though) Glycine in 1000mg is easily found So that's about 9 X nac tablets a day and 7 x glycine tablets. Doable but feels a lot! (You can't buy GlyNac readily in the UK. Only one supplement seller has it and the dose is way too small. So it'd have to be seperate tablets taken together) The second issue I found was the other study seemed less miraculous. Although the doses were lower... https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fragi.2022.852569/full Let me know your thoughts S

Posted Tue 22 Nov 2022 16.33 by Leigh

I just started this, but at low doses. I always start any supplement with a very low dose and then build after I experience it for a while. I'll report in a few weeks or a month on the result.

Posted Sun 27 Nov 2022 22.57 by Leigh

I've now done some good research on this. VERY IMPORTANT: Do not take massive amounts of NAC, it can harm your kidneys, impact your blood, and even be fatal. I am taking 500mg every other day with Glycine. I'm no worse off, and I may see some clearing in the center of some spots. I began with 500mg a day, for a week. That was ok, so I increased to 1000mg for a couple of days. I experienced edema and that can mean the kidneys aren't quite doing their jobs as efficiently, so I'm backing off to 500mg, 3X a week. I'll be back with a report. Again, do not take mega doses of NAC, you could end up with worse problems.

Posted Mon 12 Dec 2022 10.23 by Silver Fox

The last few months I added NAC, quercetin and zinc to my regime as anti-viral. I've noticed a great improvement and I'd say I'm clear and the worst areas on calves and shins are smooth and not pink. I don't take glycine but was already taking glutamine which may or may not be relevant. Re NAC I'm taking 2 600mg tablets per day. Promising but could be coincidence. Time will tell.

Posted Tue 28 Feb 2023 05.50 by mt382

I got very sleepy on the combination- some research revealed that some respond very badly due to their impact on the glutamate-GABA axis of neurotransmitters (but not everyone). Its hard to tell whether they helped during this time as I was also going through a lot of stress and drinking a lot of alcohol.

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