
Posted Mon 22 Aug 2022 16.48 by Pbrats64

Hi, I have had PA for over 20 years. I had many different medications early on, but have taken Methotrexate for most of that time. My Psoriasis has gradually spread over my body over this time, and now covers 60-70% of my body. Nowadays I try to cope with my problems on my own..I gave up seeking help with the psoriasis side of things years’s is what it is.I obviously have to take medication for the arthritis, but even when I’m in flare ups, I just ride them out until things start to feel a bit’s always going to be that way. I like to think I have done well over the years coping my way, but that all changed when covid came along. Putting up with pain and discomfort for a lot of my life is horrible..but it isn’t going to kill me…not yet anyway. But when covid struck, I suddenly felt vulnerable like I’ve never felt before.To cut what is already a long enough story shorter, I haven’t really been out since 2020..vaccine jabs, and bloods, and that’s it.We have to visit my elderly parents each day, as they both have severe when my wife finishes work, we drive to see them, and make sure they are looked after. I have never felt comfortable to go out in public..being honest, I just don’t know if I will be ok if I catch’s my life at risk, and I only have the one.Obviously jabs and boosters should help, but I’m still to worried to go out and take that risk. So when I read that antivirals were the new saviour of those with underlying health problems, I was at last confident enough to think between jabs and a medication that is 90% certain to keep you out of hospital, I would finally be able to get a life back again. But I never received a letter to say I would be given the antivirals if I caught covid.My GP has said even though I have a reduced immune system, and take a medication that suppresses the immune system, I wasn’t eligible for the tablets should I contract covid. I just think it’s disgraceful that they can play with peoples lives in this way..I asked “so I’ll be ok if I caught covid” he said obviously he can’t say I would be, due to my medical history…so annoying. Anyway….sorry for the long winded letter…I just wanted to know if anyone else who has psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis have been told the would be given the tablets if they contracted the disease? I was under the impression that the government had purchased 5 million doses of antivirals for the uk..yet only tens, or at most a couple of hundred thousand are being given to those at risk…why wouldn’t everyone who has a reduced immune system not qualify…when no doctor or specialist can guarantee that you will be ok if catching this horrible disease?…there is obviously plenty of supply to treat all at risk people.

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