Starting Methotrexate

Posted Mon 29 Aug 2022 15.30 by rapture83

Hi Guys, First of all, apologies for someone else posting about MTX but I can't see anything very recent or that about people who are on it. My situation is that I have guttate P which is almost everywhere on my body apart from my face, I can just about manage it with clothes I wear and creams etc...but when I say just about manage it I'm talking for a few days at a time. I have tried every cream under the sun, best thing that works for me is Enstillar but doesn't completely clear it. I have been to my dermo a good few times and last year was put on Otezla, I took these pills every single day for about 8 months and zero difference, only when I started Enstillar again would I see any changes, I also bought a hand held lamp which again doesn't fully help so my dermo has said to me that MTX is my next step now. I have had my bloods taken which are all healthy so as of today I start it. I never got any side effects from Otezla, only time was when I took it for the first time I felt like I had a really bad hangover for 1 day then that was me for the full 8 months, zero effects so I'm hoping for the same here but with a more positive result. I am in my 30's and have a social lifestyle, I was a bit concerned about going on MTX due to the fact it's quite hard on your liver and most sites I've read is you shouldn't really touch alcohol at all but my dermo assured me it's totally fine unless your taking the piss and drinking daily etc...that's made me a bit better about it as I didn't want to feel like this pill took away my freedom. How are people doing with this drug? Is it pretty much a success in terms of clearing up your P? Do you still apply any creams while on it? Do you just go cold turkey? How long before you say any sort of results? Really interested to hear, I'll report back on my progress with it, thanks!

Posted Tue 30 Aug 2022 16.51 by Aviar

I had good results with methotrexate for about 3 years, but it wasn't 'good enough' at clearing it (stubborn patches mainly elbows, knees, scalp) and so I eventually had other treatment. I found the side effects were worse on acitretin compared to methotrexate (e.g. dryness, cracking, blood noses, etc.). When I started out I had a few weeks of on and off 'brain fog' and tiredness, similar I suppose to your hangover-feeling, but nothing major (I didn't need sick leave), and nothing compared to, for example, the fatigue and brain fog from covid. It took a few months to start to notice results. Mid- to long-term I didn't notice any methotrexate side effects. I had regular blood tests throughout, including for liver function, and nothing ever seemed to change in the 3 years which was reassuring. Like you, I didn't stop drinking altogether, but was careful and moderate, 'choosing' my occasions a bit more. Good luck and hope that this works for you!

Posted Wed 14 Sep 2022 11.48 by rapture83

Hi Guys, I thought I would give an update on this since I started it as I noticed a few people were thinking of doing it or have been doing it for a while. I just took my 3rd weeks 10mg this morning, the only side effects I seem to have had so far is the day after I take it, a slight headache and feeling kinda rubbish but only for a few hours and it's nothing that bothers me, it's just kinda there. I have seen no progress so far but I didn't expect to as it's only my 3rd week, my bloods have came back totally fine also. I'll be staying on 10mg until my next dermo date which is about 4 weeks away. One thing I was worried about was my liver/alcohol, I mentioned this in another post. I was at a wedding last weekend on the Saturday, I must have had at least 8 pints of beer and I also had 2 beers the Friday before hand, I probably shouldn't has so close to starting MXT but I guess I just got carried away in the moment enjoying myself, well I had my bloods taken the Friday after that and they came back Monday there completely fine. At that point I told my doctor what I had consumed and did say that I didn't think it would be the last time as I'm quite social in my lifestyle doctor told me I shouldn't have it heavy on my mind, she understands that people can get carried away at the weekend but that's what the regular blood tests are for, if the blood tests show that there is some damage then that's when they inform us to slow it down or come of MXT. She said unless you were hammering alcohol constantly it should be fine but if it wasn’t the blood tests would quickly pick it up and a change would be made. Does anyone else still try and have a social lifestyle like myself at the weekend? Sorry if I sound like I have an issue with alcohol here, I only tend to have a couple the Friday and a few more on the Sat but nothing else any other days. I mean, should I consider coming off this with the lifestyle I have at the weekend or just go with the flow and rely on blood tests telling me I’m ok or to stop the MXT immediately? I’m only repeating what my doctor said to me, I take this for P only, not PA or RA which I think already effects peoples liver before MXT is even considered. That's basically where I'm at with it, I'm also using my Enstillar Foam only a few days a week as well as my Diprosalic for my scalp. Thanks for the replies again!

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