Guttate Psoriasis

Posted Tue 6 Sep 2022 22.20 by Saz118

Hi Everyone I started with guttate psoriasis around Xmas last year after a severe strep throat infection. First time I've had any form of psoriasis. I am covered in small circular spots all over my legs and arms and had multiple failed treatments such as betnovate, eumovate, coltar. Currently on Enstillar and aveeno cream which initially improved my arms but no improvement to my legs. The last month its not even helping my arms. Tried to take as much opportunity to be out in the sun in the garden during the summer. I take vitamin D supplements and a probiotic supplement. I am so self conscious of the psoriasis that I have had to change the way I dress to ensure it is covered up at all times. It really affects my mood and anxiety. I am on a waiting list for light therapy but have been told I will be waiting months before I can get an appt. My concern is I am due to go on holiday to Turkey next month which is increasing my anxiety furthermore about having my skin on show. Does anyone have any tips for me to help at all? It may sound really silly and I should be grateful to be able to go on holiday but it's really making me feel like I don't want to go as I'm so embarrassed of my skin. My partner tries to reassure me but I feel he cannot fully understand. Please help any advice will be greatly received and appreciated!

Posted Wed 7 Sep 2022 03.52 by Alunbbxx

YPrices for over two years I’ve got my toenails falling off please I have a flareup on fire and my skin of the flu or coldSome days I cannot walk my feet are bleeding in my hands up and not move

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