Sudden Pustular Psoriasis(?) PLEASE HELP

Posted Sat 10 Sep 2022 15.25 by hp

Hi there, Hope all is well. On Thursday I had totally clear skin. On Friday (yesterday) morning, I noticed a number of what I thought were small whiteheads crowding on my chin - was quite shocked but didn't think much of it. Come Friday evening my whole chin (and I mean my WHOLE chin) is COVERED in hundreds on small white pus filled spots. I cannot believe how rapidly this has spread. It is also now spreading to my upper lip and cheeks. The skin around it is incredibly itchy and red. Note: I was in Greece when this developed but thankfully my flight home was Friday evening. Initially I thought it might be fungal acne, but a friend menti0ned pustular psoriasis and I'm very sure it is that. I am totally freaking out. I am mortified by how my face looks and have been hiding in my room since it developed. I have an emergency GP appointment later. Please can anyone offer any help or advice if they had a similar experience. I have never had this before. A year or so ago I developed psoriasis for the first time in the form of a plaque on my leg. And this year I've had patches of psoriasis on my leg trigged by stress. But it wasn't this pustule psoriasis and the 'regular' psoriasis I have is only on my legs. Anything would be appreciated. I am so upset and have no idea what has happened and what I can do. Thank you so much in advance, Holly

Posted Sun 11 Sep 2022 20.41 by michmo

sorry to hear about your situation holly.i dont know what the gp said to you.i know i bang on about allergys but it might be worth taking a seems sporadic,thats why i steer towards a possible allergy.its just a thought.hope it clears up for you soon.

Posted Sun 11 Sep 2022 23.03 by hp

Hi michmo! Thanks so much for your response. I think you are absolutely right about it being an allergic reaction. After posting the above I did more research and came across ALEP (localised form of AGEP). I think this is exactly what happened - I took an anti-sickness tablet on Monday after being ill with another issue (never ending!). Never taken one before so think that has caused the reaction and pustules as 90% of the time ALEP is caused by a drug reaction (it can also occur with drugs that the individual has taken before). My symptoms, the onset, look and general experience perfectly matches ALEP. Pustular psoriasis is a differential diagnosis for ALEP and vice versa. Of course I’m no doctor and ALEP is rare but I really think this could be it (appreciate I said that in my above post with ref to pustular psoriasis but I am much more confident it is ALEP!). Thankfully, the reaction is almost completely gone in terms of the pustules - still got quite a few but nothing compared to what it was. Now just very itchy and inflammed but hoping that’ll heal too in time. Thanks again for your comment!

Posted Fri 7 Oct 2022 13.35 by Slarti

Hi Holly, I've suddenly got Palmoplantar Pustulosis psoriasis for the first time in my life, I'm 56. My dermatologist said that they can't always pinpoint the cause unfortunately. It's been a month since the first blisters appeared and almost a fortnight since the big flare up which triggered the steroid cream treatment. My hands are now peeling so I'm hoping for a bit of a reprieve very soon. I hope yours clears up. It's not only the physical side but the mental effect takes it toll so I do empathise.

Posted Wed 16 Nov 2022 15.20 by lilypad123

Hi everyone Sorry to hear about your skin conditions, if its getting worse and you are unable to seek proper treatment for it I do know of a UK based dermatologist who may be able to help (and does not charge) if the opportunity suits anyone? Do email me at for more info.

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