Scalp psoriasis and bald patches

Posted Wed 14 Sep 2022 11.00 by Sad snoopy

Hi all, I'm feeling so down. I have recently given birth to my 3rd Chile (4 months ago). The usual postpartum hair loss began, however my psoriasis has appeared with a vengeance and as the flakes come off (large chunks) its also taking the hair with it. I now have a big bald patches on my crown and now both sides.. I feel so self conscious. The gp is running blood tests and has prescribed lotion betacap, which I started using today. Please give me some hope that the hair will grow back.. I am Considering buying a crown hair piece to give me some self confidence back. Has anyone else experienced this? I'm so scared to wash my hair as more comes out with the flakes.

Posted Sat 1 Oct 2022 17.23 by Slarti

Hi Sad Snoopy, whilst I don't have experience of this, it's understandable why you are feeling the way you do. This problem causes not only physical, but mental distress too - mine is on my hands but I do empathise. I know nothing about hair crown pieces but it might be worth asking your GP if there's any reason why you can't have one. Better to be safe just to make sure it won't make the problem worse. What about a cotton cap, is that worth considering as an alternative if you can't have a crown ? This is so horrible for you and as women, our hair is something we cherish. I hope things ease up for you. Take care

Posted Mon 3 Oct 2022 10.39 by Sad snoopy

Thank you so much for your reply. I think just putting my thoughts out there helped. I've been religiously using my beta cap twice a day, washing with t gel and using a moisturising conditioner after. The flakes have greatly reduced just some patches at the back of my scalp left. I've just resigned myself to the fact the flakes need to go for my scalp to heal, then the new hair can grow. I hate washing my hair as when its wet there is barely any at the sides and top now. But the redness has gone and the crown seems flake free. I have started ro see growth on the left hand side now which was rhe first patch to go. So that gives me hope now. I've cut my hair shorter so it's easier to manage when washing. I feel I might be through the worst now and that it is beginning to heal. I've also been taking iron twice a day, vit d and high strength biotin and cut out bread from my diet. So fingers crossed! I found a powder that you dab on the bald patches to blend so it doesn't stand out. Which works fab and gives me some confidence.

Posted Sat 15 Oct 2022 22.39 by B2B Ruth

hi Sad snoopy try organic Shea butter. It’s worked and might work for you. It’s really worth a try I got a tub from a friend who said if it worked I can get more from Joroseorganics. I am getting more when my tub is finished. It’s in a brown tub unrefined organic Shea butter. Just apply it as is no additives it’s natural and un scented

Posted Mon 31 Oct 2022 11.26 by redsquirrel (edited Mon 31 Oct 2022 11.27 by redsquirrel)

love the tip on shea butter thanks will try. So sorry for you sadsnoopy! Go out and buy whatever makes you feel confident again - be it a hair piece or a wig or just try wearing your hair differently - it WILL grow back I promise! I have had terrible ps on my scalp and suffered the same issue. I stopped colouring my hair and of course that improved things enormously. I am allergic to paraffinium liquidium so can only use glycerin based moisturiesers - the cosmetic industry has caught onto this but not the medical industry sadlly so I cannot use most creams. What I can recommned is the liquiid steroid - forget the name - dovobet I think do one. Apply directly to scalp to relieve the ps. Hair re growth just takes be nice to yourself in the meantime. best wishes - oh and of course - congratulations!

Posted Mon 31 Oct 2022 21.41 by Sad snoopy

Thank you so much for your replies. Some hair at the sides right st rhe front has started to regrow. Which gives me hope for the rest as the front was rhe first part to thin. I have got some hair fibres which definitely helps to cover bald patches when my hair is tied up. I will look into the shea butter. Do you apply then wash off??

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