Has anyone ever thought about building their own Tl01 lamp
1Posted Sat 1 Oct 2022 17.55 by cleverleyson hello
I've been thinking about it for quite some time, always really responded well too UVB light treatment. Prob been 3-4 times since i was 16 (38 now) too. But the madness of having to wait and force a gp to refer me again, that doesn't feel me with much joy. Anyway I've flared up once again after only having a few patches for ages for it to just go crazy and be everywhere and Winter is coming...
So the Question is, has anyone just built their own or seen a guide anywhere? In my mind It it shouldn't be that hard (could be massively wrong) Just about getting a ballast that supports 100w philipps NB tubes with the correct connectors and some wire.....Building a box for it all. All my research has led me to a massive 50/50.
But i could be massively wrong....Any input would be blessed.
Have a lovely day!
1Posted Sun 2 Oct 2022 02.20 by Astroman Sufferer of P for 12 years. Nails, knuckles, elbows, knees & lower limbs. UV pt worked for a while, but returned soon after treatment ended.
I too have been thinking about such a project. I am, however, confused about the different classes of tube with respect to the emission wavelength.
The high output R17D end caps are cheap enough.
Ballast, ventilation fan and accurate timer are needed. I will delve into this on Monday.
Woodwork is easy. Safety Perspex? (Will it alter the UV wavelength?)
Something to think about. Then again, you can hire a UV unit for around £200+ for 8 weeks.
Posted Sun 2 Oct 2022 11.31 by cleverleyson hello
That's deff the correct tubes for the project.
https://psoriasiscare.co.uk/philips-tl100w-01-6ft-narrowband-uvb-phototherapy-tube/ there is alot of information here, they have many names but yeah. I was deep into pdfs myself, I'm presuming Its going to need a special ballast. I did find the following pdf listing some information. The 2nd one has much information but not had a real look myself.
Posted Thu 24 Nov 2022 15.40 by redsquirrel
love this chat!
please let me know when you have built one and how I can order....!
have you thought about contacting dyson? hes tax avoiding in singapore I believe...joking aside - what about checking out working in partnership with current nhs producers? who do they use to manufacture? get those plans! and good luck.
best wishes
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