Covid and massive breakout

Posted Mon 31 Oct 2022 21.03 by SG2206

Hey, This is on behalf of my mum - She went on holiday to Turkey for a week and her skin was the best it’s been in years (she’s suffered from psoriasis for over 30 years) Her skin was clear and you would never have known. The day after she flew home she tested positive for Covid and within 48 hours her skin broke out to the worst it’s ever been. She’s been bed bound for 3 months now. In and out of hospital on a daily basis, in mortal agony and she has deteriorated drastically. She has a massive phobia of needles and is refusing the injections the doctors are saying is her only option just now. She has a nurse creaming her everyday but her body is 95% covered in psoriasis. She’s lost her nails, her face is covered in rashes and the skin just sheds off her body everyday. I have never seen anything like it in my life and wouldn’t wish it upon anyone. Has anyone experienced anything similar and can offer her any advice? I don’t know how to help her and she’s just not her self at all

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