Imupsora - Has anyone heard of it

Posted Mon 28 May 2012 11.05 by julicimo
Had Psoriasis and the associated arthritis since I was 8 years old so for 26 years

I currently live in Greece (although I am English) and the only available treatment I can have is dovobet... which is steroid and not good for long term use... I have been assured that there are no other options for me at this time. I don't really want to use this and a pharmacist told me about Imupsora ointment (AYURVEDA) has anyone used this... It's not expensive but would like some feedback as don't really have money to waste. Thanks Ju

Posted Wed 4 Dec 2013 05.57 by frustratedincali
I have recently been diagnosed with pustular psoriasis on the side and bottom of my left foot. It is excruitiatingly painful and has basica

I don't if you will read this, your post is old. I am new to this sight and have spent the day reading posts. I am a firm believer in ayurveda as it is the oldest practiced medicine on earth, the indian people taught medicine to the chinese. I have researched this product for several hours, and my husband has many friends from india and has been there on several occasions. I am going to try to find this treatment and try it. I just wanted to thank you for your comment because I never would have found this treatment. I am also going to change my diet immediately after reading all of the other posts! :)

Posted Wed 14 May 2014 07.04 by Deejay
Hello,im deejay 32 and have had it since i was in college years,i get it on my scalp, back and legs,have tryed many treatments but the effec

Hi Julicimo, You can try Salibet oitment i will hep a lot. cheer up

Posted Tue 1 Dec 2015 11.32 by callagg
flames up from time to time.

I use a <a href="">psoriasis cream</a> called roscara made of wild Irish seaweed!

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