Looking for recommendations for UK homeopathic/dietary practitioners to help with psoriasis treatment

Posted Tue 8 Nov 2022 12.58 by helloimisobel (edited Tue 8 Nov 2022 12.59 by helloimisobel)

Hey everyone! I have pretty severe plaque and guttate psoriasis, and i'm not keen on immuno-suppressants nor continuing to apply steroid creams etc. Has anyone had any success or have recommendations for eiyher London or UK based practitioners in the homeopathic treatment space, who can also advise on recommended diet plans for controlling psoriasis? Thanks in advance!

Posted Sat 17 Dec 2022 20.07 by stravadi

Hello, for 15 years i ve been doing homepathy for my psoriasis. It comes and goes. 5 years is the highest time i live without it. Every 5 years i need to move so with the stress and changes psoriasis comes again. Now I have plaque psoriasis, but 5 years ago i had severe artritis psoriasis. Homeopathy and a diet helped me remain clean and live normal again. (gluten free, diairy free, sugar free). I dont live in uk, so i know only greek doctors, but i msure you can find someone there to help you. Fighting!

Posted Sun 18 Dec 2022 21.58 by Stephanie

I was sceptical at first, but I’m on my third bottle and it’s utterly amazing. It may not work for everybody. I understand that but honestly I’m feeling so much better and I’ve got no plaque scales at all. I’ve suffered with psoriasis for 20 years plus had light treatment, methotrexate , every steroid cream, Dovnex, enstillar, everything you can imagine. Since having a total thyroidectomy last October, it got out of control. I’m now on my third month of this probiotic and feeling so much better. HANNA SILLITOE MULTI STRAIN BIOTIC

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