Adulimumab - Humira

Posted Fri 18 Nov 2022 08.05 by Pippin89

Hi all After Methotrexate caused me problems with my liver, and Acitretin gave me daily headaches and chronic back pain, my doctor has now suggested we try Adulimumab. I am interested to hear anyone's experiences with it and how well it worked. I have severe Psoriasis on my head, face, back, legs, arms and butt crack. Also could anyone who has been on it (Humira especially) tell me if they had syringes or the injection pen things. Purely out of interest.

Posted Fri 18 Nov 2022 12.03 by MeanWolf6887 (edited Fri 18 Nov 2022 12.04 by MeanWolf6887)

Thanks for sharing. Can I ask how long you were on MXT and whether you went through the NHS? Sorry I cans answer your questions I’m just looking for treatment options for myself too and would like to see if I can get it on NHS

Posted Fri 18 Nov 2022 12.15 by Pippin89

Hi MeanWolf Yes I got it on the NHS. I was on it for about 12 weeks and the results were great. Almost complete cure of my psoriasis. It just caused bad problems elsewhere which is why I had to stop. But you will find with all the treatments there is a process to go through. You have to start with low strength creams, then topical steroids, then higher strength steroids, and then Phototherapy etc before they will consider immunosuppressants. Mainly for cost reasons, but also because they are very invasive so best to avoid if you can. Ask your dermatologist about it and they will explain the steps to go through before you get to MTX and similar. It is a frustrating process but stick with it. Eventually you will find the solution that works for you.

Posted Fri 18 Nov 2022 12.22 by MeanWolf6887

Thanks for the info. This is helpful. I have done topical treatments including Enstillar and UVB but all via private derma. They have now all proved ineffective and my condition is worse than ever with now some joint swelling that could indicate arthritis too. I can’t afford a private derma anymore and I’ve waited a year for an NHS referral. So running out of patience and options hoping and waiting.

Posted Fri 18 Nov 2022 12.29 by Pippin89

NHS referral didn't take that long for me but then it was before Covid. I would suggest visiting your doctor again and chasing the referral. Enstillar and UV are the steps before MTX so if you have tried those then you are probably well placed for it. Make sure you take all your private records to your NHS appointment when you get one. Note that you will need to have regular (every 2 weeks) blood tests while on MTX as it can cause problems. You also need to be on the look out for any small illness. Even just a sort throat you will have to go to the drs as it could be something far worse but is masked by the fact your immune system is no longer reacting to it. MTX shouldn't be taken lightly. But it can do great things. Fingers crossed for you

Posted Fri 18 Nov 2022 17.05 by MeanWolf6887

Thank you very much my friend. This is helpful.

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