Exorex lotion?

Posted Tue 22 Nov 2022 08.43 by SteG

Is this effective for anyone?

Posted Tue 22 Nov 2022 21.43 by Roo92

I noticed a massive difference since using it. I was buying online and when I asked my GP for it on prescription she was like "are you sure? It's a bit of an old fashioned treatment". Having a steroid break was useful.

Posted Tue 3 Jan 2023 14.56 by Rads68

Hi, I've used this before after recommendation from a friend who achieved total clearance from it. I didn't have much success but I'm now giving it another go, having gone right round the steroid/ UVB cycle. My Doctor said it was no longer available on prescripition though you may have better luck than me.

Posted Tue 3 Jan 2023 16.03 by SteG

Thanks both. I have also found this lotion effective for removing the scales I get on lower legs and I am still getting it on repeat prescription from my GP.

Posted Mon 13 Feb 2023 12.14 by leejacks

I worked well for me for many years, sadly it no longer is effective for me. Worth a try though.

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