Vitamin D

Posted Wed 7 Dec 2022 14.47 by Officious Bystander

Been suffering from Psoriasis for about 10 years now. Started treatment with Dovobet, progressed to Betnovate RD and then onto Enstilar, which I now use whenever I get a flare up. The last one started just as summer ended. Progressively harder skin on elbows, knees and ankles over a period of weeks until the itching started followed by some bleeding after intense scratching. Went back to my trusted remedy of Enstilar with a two weekly course of UVB therapy from my hand held device which starts at at 15 secs and increases to 2 minutes on each area. That was mid October. Thing is, I was curious to know if I had a vitamin D deficiency so I staggered the UV sessions to every other day. In between the UV sessions I started taking 4000iu Vitamin D and one K2 capsule. So my system was UV & Enstilar on one day, D&K2 and moisturiser on the next day and so on. After two weeks I gave up the Enstilar and UV therapy and concentrated soley on the D & K2. That was early November. Now, 4 weeks later and with only D&K2 for support, my Psoriasis has faded completely on one elbow, a bit pink on the other, knees and ankles a pit binker still. Overall I am really impressed with the results without having to use any UV or Enstilar. Maybe I do have a D deficiency after all and this has helped to resolve the problem? I'll keep you updated on my progress.

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