Hip issues with psoriasis and PSA diagnosis

Posted Sat 10 Dec 2022 22.05 by RachelB (edited Sat 10 Dec 2022 22.07 by RachelB)
Hello. Psoriasis for 35, psoriatic arthritis suspected 6 years, diagnosis one year

One year of awful hip pain felt in groin. Orthopaedic consultant saw osteophyte and degeneration on X-ray. He found range of movement significantly reduced. He was talking surgery and ordered an MRI. Had an MRI which has been reported on as showing no abnormalities. I am in pain every single day. When I sit upright, bend over or bend forward it’s so painful. I limp. I was on methotrexate for 5 months, it did nothing and side effects were dreadful. Currently 4 weeks into lefludomide also not doing anything. My psoriasis is widespread and worse than it’s ever been I was hoping the hip issue would help me qualify for Biologics. The MRI results make that look unlikely. Anyone had this with an MRI? Any advice? Thank you.

Posted Sun 11 Dec 2022 05.21 by ali - from Hampshire
I have Psoriasis and I think psa ,I’m 65now and think have had it about 5 yrs.

Sorry to hear of your pain. I have what the G.P calls : 'mild PSa'. It's not mild to me! I was interested in your story because I've had increasing hip /lower back pain and GP says my 'usual ' arthritis has deteriorated significantly since 2016' but that I have 'a trapped nerve' It's sciatica said another but it's as you describe , increasing pain and stiffness and the pain goes from spine round to front of leg and round groin down leg to top of foot and under it. . I'm on little pain relief as I'm scared of other side affects ie 'take Omepeizole to counteract affects of Celexob' which I'm not prepared to start doing. Fortunately my psoriasis though wearing is manageable . I also have tinnitus and strong medication for cold sores which when triggered ( horrible huge ones) makes me very Ill . And also permanently have sinus issues. Does anyone have connections with these issues combined? Sorry for long message!

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