
Posted Tue 20 Dec 2022 21.13 by Grandadbaz

Hello fellow sufferers I believe that our own body’s autoimmune system attacks itself causing many problems that we have to live with in our daily lives , have a look at this Guy and see if he makes any sense to you . Dr Eric Berg on YouTube ( How to get rid of psoriasis-Natural Remedies for psoriasis He says ——-Does L-glutamine heal the gut? 10grams 3 x a day Your intestinal lining actually uses L-glutamine as fuel to create a strong surface for digestion and absorption. Supplementing with L-glutamine is the most effective treatment to heal the gut lining for those suffering from leaky gut, malabsorption, or inflammatory bowel disease (IBS, Crohn's, Ulcerative colitis). Regards to all Barry

Posted Wed 28 Dec 2022 14.18 by Yacht

It's certainly an interesting "theory"... But there is very little research evidence to show "healing the gut" treats or cures psoriasis in the real world. Doctors and patients have been altering diets and gut-intake for decades, but so far with little or no success (sadly).

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