Worried about steroids

Posted Wed 21 Dec 2022 12.09 by Creamsgalore44

Hi all. I got a mirena coil fitted in March after I nearly died from anemia. 3 days after my skin problems Began. I got out an abusive relationship in april and I'd be lying if I said it has been easy. I have been very upset fir various reasons. But I strongly believe its the coil. I have developed guttate type psoriasis allover my chest and upper back. Larger patches are on my knees and middle of spine. I have a few bits dotted on my stomach, now my legs have a few spots of it. My scalp is thick. I have a patch on my forehead and temple. I've tried dobebet. Elecon. A steroid liquid for my scalp. Childfarm cream. Epimax ointment. The Dr has prescribed me more dovebet which does clear up my chest and upper back but not my knees and legs and middle back. I've got something for the bath this time but I know it won't clear it I am 33. I want to start dating again. I can't go swimming and now I'm dreading summer and not being able to wear my clothes. I just feel defeated. I can not believe how angry my skin is but I'm terrified that the steroids will soon start to cause me further issues. I am considering having the coil out but that's going to make me unwell again so I want to try get this psoriasis improved. I am taking tumeric capsules and vitamin d and eating blueberries everyday. Any advice and can you share how long you've used steroids? Thanks Laura

Posted Tue 21 Feb 2023 11.02 by bargainlovingmum

Hi Laura - I'm sorry you've been having such a stressful time. I'm on the mirena but it's not caused my psoriasis to worsen. I think stress does though. I've found enstilar foam, plus a bit milder steroid creams inbetween helps the best. I also try to self care and be in good relationships as much as poss with as little stress as possible helps my skin a bit, too.

Posted Fri 17 Mar 2023 23.42 by Mary1968

Hello Creamsgalore44 There are some reports of connections between the Mirena Coil and psoriasis. However, stress is very well-known for triggering psoriasis flares, so the abusive relationship you were in, would more likely be a contributing factor. Leaving a relationship can also be very stressful, and it may take you some months to recover. I used steroidal based creams for 25 or 30 years, and stopped because they thinned my skin. My doctor and dermatologist suggested biologics injections to me, but I 100% KNEW, that was NOT a path I wanted to take. Having said that, they do help a lot of people. There will likely be side effects from medication, but that is something you have to weigh up in your mind, and decide if worth the risk or not. .

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