Psoriasis on my face

Posted Sun 8 Jan 2023 17.40 by Catherine

I'm looking for recommendations really. I had a steroid injection into my knee (due to PSA) in early November with excellent results. My knee is still virtually pain-free. I was warned that I might get a skin flare up and I think I have, but on my face. I have never had psoriasis on my face before. It started in early December and looks like small red spots, mostly on my cheeks. In the summer I was prescribed calcipotriol ointment for a flare up just above my stomach and it worked brilliantly so I asked the GP for some more and she said I could use it on my face BUT... when I read the leaflet that comes with it, it says don't use on the face. I used to use Salcura zeoderm on affected areas but I think my body has got used to it as it has no effect at all now. Has anybody got any suggestions?

Posted Mon 16 Jan 2023 10.51 by Zoseby (edited Mon 16 Jan 2023 10.51 by Zoseby)

I’ve used eumovate ointment on my face and inside ears for years. I get mines prescribed but you can buy from a pharmacy. 100% worth it! I’ve also used Enstiller foam on my face which my dermatologist prescribed for my body. She advice to spray on my finger and then rub on the face. These have kept my face in amazing condition and able to wear make up with it being patchy and dry.

Posted Mon 16 Jan 2023 20.19 by bargainlovingmum

This is a good question - thanks, Catherine. As well as steroids, I've found Lyonsleaf Calendula and Marshmallow Balm, together with their face oil twice a day, has really helped keep my psoriasis patches at bay, or if not totally taking a patch away, it keeps it much less noticeable and it doesn't feel dry or uncomfortable. I'm in my 50s like yourself, and I notice my skin much drier than when younger. Zoseby I never knew you can buy eumovate over the counter! I also get peri-oral dermatitis around my nose and near my mouth, too. It's redness, wee spots and dryness. I've struggled with it for years and it is upsetting. But the Balm is helping with it. I've started putting some on at night time, and after a week or so, it's a real positive difference. Do let us know how your research goes. All the very, very best with it

Posted Mon 16 Jan 2023 21.04 by Catherine

Thanks very much to both of you. I will keep you updated!

Posted Tue 11 Apr 2023 19.14 by Catherine

Here's my update - sorry I've taken a while... I got myself some of the Lyonsleaf balm and I love it! The psoriasis hasn't gone away but it's much calmer and less obvious.

Posted Wed 12 Apr 2023 18.48 by bargainlovingmum (edited Wed 12 Apr 2023 19.01 by bargainlovingmum)

That is lovely news, Catherine:))) So glad the balm works for you, too. I love it - for lipbalm or any psoriasis on my face or dry skin. I know what you mean - I still have little feint patches sometimes, but comfortable and much better than without. And it's all natural. I use the unscented beauty balm for cleansing, plus the unscented facial oil morning and night, too. It's the only combo that helps my dry skin without side effects

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