Newbie with some questions

Posted Tue 13 Jun 2023 14.08 by ScottyT
Late onset of scalp Psoriasis

Thanks Mandy, Will give that a try, I take antihistamine at night which helps the itch when sleeping.

Posted Sun 2 Jul 2023 12.21 by Jacquiej

Hi All, I’ve just been diagnosed with psoriasis and scalp psoriasis and wondered if it’s ok to have my hair dyed using ordinary salon products. I’d be grateful for any kind of advise.

Posted Mon 10 Jul 2023 13.12 by RR

Hi New here today. Posted on another thread re giving up alcohol. Probably my best bet at the moment. Its such a bastard of a condition where there is no clear one size fits all solution. I would guess at the heart of if for me is how I deal with stress. Have anxiety which resides in the chest area tend to bottle things up. Also I drink a fair bit at weekends which dries out the skin. Have it on shin(size of a hand outstretched),bum, ears, chest (I think anyway that it's P could just be some other type of skin rash thingy) Noticed a new plaque on elbow a few days ago and on foot which has me in a"Oh please God don't spread" mode Face can be a bit red around cheeks and over lip but not too bad...not sure what that is but definitely some type of inflammation Tried Eumovate on shin which worked but came back after I stopped using it. Worried that steroid based creams kind of encourage it if that makes any sense in terms of temporary remission then it comes back with renewed vigour. For me I think I will try alcohol cut first coupled with mindfulness towards dealing with stress. Alcohol cut will be hard. Some weekends I'm like Jim Lahey from Trailer Park Boys!!

Posted Thu 13 Jul 2023 19.09 by ScottyT
Late onset of scalp Psoriasis

I never click on urls unless I know the sender.; plus I don't think running my home smoothly would help psoriasis.

Posted Sun 16 Jul 2023 05.16 by Jacquiej

Has anyone had psoriasis in their ears? I’ve had to have micro-suctioning twice to get rid of flakes buildup and wondering if there’s any drops that can be prescribed to prevent this,

Posted Sun 16 Jul 2023 16.20 by OhNo_NotAgain?

Jacquiej: I have posted on this topic in a few threads. I typed EAR into the search at the top of this page (select "From the Forums" and not "from our site". here are some discussions that might help you: I smear diprosalic or dovobet very sparingly inside my ear flaps (and as deep as I can with my little finger (NOT a cotton bud). For psoriasis deeper inside the ear canal I ocasionally use an "Allergy Relief" spray, It contains a steroid, fluticasone propionate, 1-2 squirts sprayed inside the ear 1-2 times per month if needed, and then cleaned out after 5-10 minutes with cotton-wool. I bought it from Boots as ""Boots Allergy Relief Nasal Spray" but after seeing it recommended somewhere for psoriasis inside the ear, I discussed with my GP who agreed that I should try it. It is a steroid, so I use it very sparingly, but it certainly helps me. It might be worth discussing with your GP. I know nothing about microsuction in the ears, but I recall being told by GPs over the years that syringing the ears (often done to remove excessive wax build-up) can irritate the ear canal and increase wax production.

Posted Tue 18 Jul 2023 16.06 by lizziep

Jackie - to reply to your earlier post re hair dyeing - it seems odd, but my bad scalp psoriasis has always improved when I have had my hair dyed - the hairdresser s always concerned, but although it always stung a bit, for a few weeks I saw an improvement - talking in the past tense as I don't have scalp psoriasis at the moment.

Posted Wed 19 Jul 2023 13.04 by Jacquiej

Thanks for your responses and the links, very helpful, my doctor has prescribed a steroid cream for my ears and I’ll see how it goes!

1 Posted Fri 28 Jul 2023 22.53 by RayT

Have 6 unopened 60g Enstillar Foam, 0.005%/0.064% boxes for sale $50 for each foam can. Will ship anywhere in the world!

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