
Posted Tue 10 Jan 2023 15.56 by Arsenal2020

Hi, I am 22 years old. I have suffered with psoriasis now for 4 years, most recently with scalp psoriasis. I have been to see a dermatologist today and she has recommended i start the process of taking Methotrexate. What are peoples experiences with this drug? Thank you in advance.

Posted Tue 10 Jan 2023 15.59 by Hnatyshin

Good morning, I also suffer from psoriasis, but I would say I got maybe four spots on my arms and legs over the years. When I was 12, it was a little more severe on my scalp, elbows and knees and backs of heels. This summer I had a horrible outbreak wasn’t sure if it was psoriasis or some kind of reaction to Covid vaccines nobody knows for sure but 95% of my body was covered in sores. I started taking methotrexate November 1 and stopped taking it two weeks ago. My skin has completely cleared up. It was life altering. I could not believe every single outbreak is now gone. I took myself off the methotrexate because I didn’t wanna stay on it too long as it could affect my liver over time I am 62 and I do enjoy a glass of wine and so I did not want to compromise my liver with taking drugs for a long period of time I have an appointment with the dermatologist on Monday. I did talk to him before going off , I would say for a young person it would be life-changing for you and just to monitor your liver function. It certainly worked for me.

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