Has anyone tried no chemicals

Posted Sun 22 Jan 2023 17.02 by Wholove

Hi, so I’ve had P now for about 2 years and it’s spreading all over… I have it really bad on my groin area… which sucks… and pretty much every other part of my body.,, I’ve read somewhere about zero chemical use had anyone tried this at all… I’m a week in no chemicals… and just wanted to hear about my experience with this,

Posted Sun 22 Jan 2023 18.05 by andrea
have had p for too many years

No chemicals? Is it not using prescription creams and using natural approach ie diet and lifestyle change instead?

Posted Mon 23 Jan 2023 11.45 by Wholove

Yes but even further no chemicals what so ever… no deodorants, shampoos, conditioner, (luckily for me I’m bald) cleaning chemicals the only thing I use is toothpaste at the minute and that’s chemical free. wanted to know if anyone has tried this approach

Posted Tue 24 Jan 2023 10.43 by Jay

I was diagnosed with psoriasis more than 10 years ago. It has mostly cleared but have a few patches on my shins which are still persistent. I did an Indian medicinal system based detox. Their theory is P is a symptom due to blockages in the system, When I took detox session which last approx 3 weeks basically diet and massages, I felt like a new me. I studied the process from then on and have learned a lot, when you begin to understand it all makes sense. I have seen people who were covered to virtually P has gone using this method. We continually bombard our bodies and expect it will remain the same. Just look up how longs food take to digest for example red meat versus eggs v vegetables v fruit. And then do some simple math. How often do you eat between meals, a snack or anything. I have managed my P for many years now I am conscious of what I eat and conduct my own detox. I am not of chemical products but I am sure that coming of chems would help. Try eating half a honey dew melon nothing before or after for 2 hrs. Conduct a daily self massage with untreated organic coconut oil, and if you have access to steam room at the gym, then even better to spread coconut oil on your body and then steam. Obviously, be careful you don't want to slip so avoid your feet. These are just a handful of processes that have helped me. Stress for me was by far the largest trigger, I still have stress but manage that with meditation. Make diet and lifestyle changes, if possible try to do 20-30k steps daily. Again, I don't know enough about you to specifically tell you what to do but become aware of your body and what it can do, the largest, fastest pharmaceutical is...you body, it produces everything you require to heal. We need to let is rest digestively and you will begin to feel much better. Wish you all the best and hope you start seeing results.

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