
Posted Thu 26 Jan 2023 10.30 by Pippytingle (edited Thu 26 Jan 2023 10.32 by Pippytingle)

I have been prescribed this treatment acitretin and I’m alittle concerned about trying it, after reading some of the side affects!! Psoriasis makes me feel ugly anyway but the thought of hair loss would make me feel very self conscious Anyone used this treatment ? I’d appreciate your feedback thank you

Posted Sun 29 Jan 2023 20.03 by Millbrook

I started Acitretin a few years ago - a very high dose as my psoriasis was so bad. The thing that worried me was that it could possibly affect my kidneys but over time I have greatly reduced the dose (under Consultant's supervision) and I drink lots of water and have quarterly blood test. Over that time, I have not lost any hair at all. Before treatment, my heels were so bad I had to walk on tiptoes and my knees, elbows and hands were very badly cracked and so sore. Acitretin has been great for me as it's lovely to have smooth skin once more. They always give you the worst possible side effects so that you are prepared but, luckily, I've had none and my Consultant is great which is a bonus! Don't worry - that WILL make your hair fall out. Hope this helps a bit.

Posted Mon 30 Jan 2023 08.39 by Steview
A P sufferer for over 30 years, through good and bad times.

My experience of Acitretin is not as favourable as Millbrook. Start with the good, it give half decent results for many years, not as good as mtx, cyclo and now biologics though. Unfortunately I suffered with many side effects Inc curly hair then thinning then hair loss. My experience was the Docs just prescribe it without explainig how the drug works plus any side effects. Good luck

Posted Wed 22 Feb 2023 17.54 by Twinks

I have also started this medication today 25mg once daily. The side affects have me so worried. They sound as bad as the ones from my chemotherapy.

Posted Sat 25 Feb 2023 13.14 by Ju7472

I started Acitretin back in November after years of choosing not to take due to the side effects. I was put on a high dose due to the severity of my psoriasis. I started to see slight improvements in my skin within a couple of weeks, I am currently completely clear of psoriasis but due to the side effects I have stopped taking Acitretin. To begin with I had dry lips & a dry nasal passages then I started shedding the skin on the palms of my hands & the soles of my feet. These were all managed with moisturising & lots of vaseline! Hair loss wasn’t a problem at the beginning but at the start of January I started to loose my hair, eyebrows & eyelashes. I have struggled with this so made the decision to stop taking Acitretin. I am enjoying having clear skin at the moment but I’m well aware my psoriasis come back with a vengeance. I am currently awaiting an appointment from the hospital to start on Biologics. Good luck with your psoriasis journey.

Posted Fri 24 Mar 2023 12.32 by Lisad
Just going onto adalimumab, wondering how bad people feel starting it

Hi, Just coming off this treatment, its made me lose so much hair, like you I struggle anyway liking myself, and then to lose my hair (Right at the front) has made me so depressed. waiting to here about my new biologic medicine. Sorry I cant be more positive but the drug was awful for me.

Posted Sun 26 Mar 2023 14.21 by PrincessDi

Hi, I live in the US and have used 2 different biologics Enbrel for 5 years and then had to change to Humira because of an insurance issue, been on that now 5 years. I haven't have had any side effects from either one that I am aware of, I have yearly lab work done. Only issue I have now is two spots due to me thinking I could stretch the injection from every 2 weeks which is prescribed to every 21 days, pushing my luck I guess. I hope these drugs are available there.

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