Advice on coping with psoriasis on my face.

Posted Mon 6 Feb 2023 19.33 by Lucyrachel

I have had psoriasis since I was born, but my symptoms didn’t really show until Dec of 2021. I used to cry every day because of how much it was affecting my daily life. I still have bits of it dotted around my body, but my biggest insecurity is the psoriasis on my face. Since I can’t use anything to cover it up, I’m constantly paranoid about the way it looks. Today it’s very bad, the worst it’s been since I managed to control the symptoms with creams, because I’ve been outside in the cold, then came inside to the hot so my skin has reacted very badly and I’m afraid that it’s coming back. Does anyone have any advice or tips on what works to suppress the redness and the itchy patches of psoriasis on my face please?

Posted Tue 7 Feb 2023 06.22 by andrea
have had p for too many years

Hi I have read that Vitamin D face cream by Hanna Sillitoe is highly recommended by users for psoriasis and eczema on the face. You can find her online shop & testimonials on Instagram. I have had psoriasis since I was 7 and I am now 58. I have regular phone calls and online video consultations with my dermatologist as I am being monitored as I take methotrexate. It has been a god send.I am almost clear. But it’s not for everyone. We are all different. It makes me tired so regular iron supplements help immensely. Perhaps talk to your doctor about an appointment with a dermatologist to see what they can do for you. Wishing you all best help.

Posted Tue 7 Feb 2023 08.42 by valtaylor

Hi Lucy I’ve been battling a bad flare up on my face for nearly a year. I used to only have really bad scalp psoriasis but have had this under control for a while. I’ve recently started a probiotic by axisbio which seems to be working and it’s only been a few days but it’s taken some of the redness and my lips are back to normal size as they were swollen for ages. The itchiness gets worse for me at night and drives me crazy. The other items I’m using is a product called Miracle cream for kids by Enlighten Through Nature & their cold pressed jojoba oil for day, castor oil over at night. I started becoming depressed too and didn’t want to leave my house at one point. I’ve recently started a blog to help myself and others just by connecting and sharing. You are welcome to join in I share infor and links of what’s worked for me on there.

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