Pustular psoriasis

Posted Fri 10 Feb 2023 11.42 by Airlie

My doctor thinks I might have developed pustular psoriasis after many years of being nearly free of psoriasis, it's on my palms and across my body, any advice on what I can do to help myself?

Posted Tue 28 Feb 2023 05.24 by Maude Murray

You have talks somewhere about Zoloft or Sertraline. Many said it caused flare ups. I've had mild psoriasis since I was 20, am now 84 and have taken 100 to 200 mg of Sertraline a day for ten years. Suddenly my psoriasis became severe pustular psoriasis on my scalp, with many more little spots elsewhere. Every day I ve used aloe vera several times (great but inconvenient) plus the usual creams and shampoos, but it was bad on my hairline, was going down my neck...and then I got a pimple in an eyebrow! I reduced Sertraline to 50mg...no change. Then to zero. Nothing much is left! Nothing in eyebrow and the rest is alright with a low Vera plus what everyone knows. To test, I took 100 mg once. Stomachache and diarrhea followed in two hours! Now all that came in old age, but it proves what all you others said!

Posted Tue 28 Feb 2023 15.35 by Maude Murray (edited Tue 28 Feb 2023 15.36 by Maude Murray)

I'm the same person: I would like to know from others, if anyone knows WHAT MEDICINES make pustular scalp psoriasis worse. I say Sertraline or Zoloft and read about four + others saying the same thing, but I cannot find their stories again here....so take something else. Many of you sound very depressed: godness knows there are reasons, but there are pretty innocent antidepressants that are not addictive. NO benzodiazepine is worth a cent unless you've some weeklong crisis. Best by far (like infinitely) nothing in life will ruin you with stress if you trust in God, who needn't be described! I have several nuisance diseases, nothing serious, but each one is much better with a pretty old and known medicine I've taken for at least a decade before I got the PUSTULAR scalp psoriasis, which I'd never even heard of! Old age has obviously made my system less tolerant. I'd like to know your experiences with other medicines, when you were any age. In passing, if one is eating fish, nuts, vegetables, little meat or fat other than vegetable oils, fruit and such, one seems to stay so healthy lifelong that psoriasis doesnt become horrible as it has for many of you. May you have as easy a time as I have!

Posted Tue 28 Feb 2023 15.53 by Maude Murray

Sorry, I keep forgetting things! I do use cortisone creams, mixing the size of a pea of Calcipotriene with the same amount of Momethasone or Betnovate; but one cannot do that forver, only a month or two. I also use 3% coal tar shampoo or an ordinary anti-dandruff shampoo; HOWEVER, ever since it became pustular, I've used fresh aloe Vera several times a day. That's rather inconvenient, but there are also many products sold in jars. When I read the ingredients, I'm appalled! Several are supposed to be 99% aloe Vera, but that's last in a list of chemicals! The crazy thing is that those things work, and aren't much trouble! Now I have "The fruit of the wokali"..99% aloe vera! Youd think wokoli meant aloe in some language, but no! Its the name of some company in China, seems to contain little or no real aloe vera...and dries up my pustular scalp psoriasis beautifully! I wash my hair every few days, but have no idea why this is effective! I know one is supposed to keep the scalp moist too: this is drying on me, and works wonderfully!

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