Help needed

Posted Sun 12 Feb 2023 11.32 by Jacks

Good morning, I have only just joined and am in desperate need of some advice. I have only just been diagnosed with psoriasis on my scalp, the flare up has been going on for about 3 months now. The itching is driving me insane, I am crying everyday because my hair is breaking and becoming really thin, even my hairline at the front is receding. My GP has given my Betacap and some creams and shower gel, seem to be getting rashes on chest, shoulders, chest. Which also itch. I’ve tried apple-cider vinegar and tee-tree oil but nothing is working. I haven’t slept properly in 3 months, waking up itching. I have been asked to do a presentation but can’t. I look like a fool itching all over. It’s relentless. I know stress doesn’t help, but losing my hair is so stressful. I am at my wits end. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

Posted Sun 12 Feb 2023 14.04 by andrea
have had p for too many years

So sorry to hear this. Have you asked your GP to refer you to a dermatologist? There are many effective things that a dermatologist can give you. Not all suits everyone but they will give you what they think will help. Try running a sock filled with oats under the tap when you have a warm not hot bath to help calm your skin. Also try to wear cotton fabrics and use unperfumed shower gel. Don’t be too hard on yourself and have as much rest as you can. Exercise of any sort can be a good stress reliever. I’ve used Neutrogena T/gel shampoo in the past. Leave it on for a few minutes. Zerodouble is a good moisture on prescription and CeraVe from the chemist. Wishing you all the best.

Posted Sun 12 Feb 2023 14.27 by Jacks

Thank you so much, I will try those. The GP has referred me but been told there is about an 18 month wait for an appointment. I will be bald by then.

Posted Sun 12 Feb 2023 14.32 by andrea
have had p for too many years

If it were me I would see another GP. That is far too long to wait to see a dermatologist. Express how it is affecting your mental health and everyday coping with this. Hanna Sillitoe has an online shop on Instagram and you can read many testimonials about her skin products especially made for people with psoriasis and eczema as she was once a sufferer of both. I’ve not tried her products as I am on Methotrexate and it’s going very well.

Posted Tue 14 Feb 2023 23.32 by Adamntan

I’ve suffered with numerous variations of psoriasis for over 30 years and I understand how debilitating it is when you have to deal with social situations. I have always been able to hide it in my scalp as I have long hair but my teenage son suffered from it and tried Nizoral shampoo - it stopped the psoriasis completely. Worth a try? I think it cost about £6 on Amazon.

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