Psoriasin Ointment

Posted Tue 29 May 2012 22.25 by bespoken
I've been a psoriasis sufferer since the age of 12

Hi All, first time/ newbie/ lurker here! Just wanted to share that I've recently bought some 'Psoriasin' Ointment (From Amazon, of all places). I've begun to use the ointment on my forearms (50p sized patches only, but this still prevented me from 'comfortably' wearing short sleeved shirts). I've noticed that applying the ointment at, say, 6pm and leaving overnight, then showering in the morning using 'Simple branded' soap, my irritation had all but gone and the skin is healing nicely. After a very painful winter, this treatment is so-far working for me. The underlying raised skin is still there, but I've only been using this for a week. Anyone else used Psoriasin?

Posted Tue 5 Jun 2012 23.34 by paula
feelings of frustration and mood swings as the years have drawn on i have become dishartened by the lack of time given to the condition and

i used an ointment that then became this ointment. the ointment it was worked so fast i thought it was the one but it was withdrawn after a bad incident in germany and then changed to the one you are now using . good luck with it as i found it was not as good as its was and stopped using it .

Posted Thu 2 May 2013 17.12 by KT13
30 years with psoriasis. Had nearly all treatments uv, tar etc

My back ground will be recognised by most people here. 30 years living with psoriasis with varying degrees of severity. Early days hospitalised, tar treatment, uv, steriod creams you name it. I was one of the first people to be prescribed Psorin a home tar treatment. However I purchased Psoriasin from Amazon having read the reviews and as always looking for the miracle cure. After 30 years I can honestly say I might have found it. I used this ointment for a couple of weeks without much success and was about to stop as the tub was coming to an end when all my patches started to disappear. My family could hardly believe it. After a month my body was practically clear for the first time in 30 years. There are some blemishes but they are flat and unrecognisable as psoriasis. Please keep persevering with it. I still get the odd very small patch but I do not have to keep applying the ointment on a daily basis just when the plaques appear for about a week. The tub I have just now I have had for over three months. I know some people have not had much success with it but I can only say good things about it. Also it does not stain clothes. KT13

Posted Mon 13 May 2013 13.19 by Bucko
24 years. First got it at the age of 4. It has cleared up a few times during this period.

Has anyone every used Dermalex? I have just bought a tube from Amazon. A bit pricey but I will give anything a shot! I have been used Doverbet for a good while which works and clears up my Psoriasis but always returns when i stop using it! Dermalex is a non steroid cream so it can be used repeatedly. Any thoughts would be appreciated!

Posted Mon 31 Mar 2014 04.39 by mandysimpkins
car accidents

I suffered from psoriasis too, but I was cured now. It was bad, and makes me very unhappy. I live in China. Here we use Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat skin problems, I went to many hospitals like this and tried many different treatments, but the effect is not very good until I went to a hospital in the North of China. It works, and now I am a happy person again, I am glad to share this with you, you may not able to go there, but you can talk to their doctors for advice. you can find more information on the website of vitiligotcm.

Posted Sat 7 May 2016 18.51 by irishgeoff

Have you tried roscara <a href="">Psoriasis Cream</a> ?

Posted Sat 7 May 2016 18.56 by irishgeoff

Have you tried roscara <a href="">Psoriasis Cream</a> ?

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