Coal Tar (Psoriderm) and Steroids (Mometasone)

Posted Fri 3 Mar 2023 14.10 by reebee

Hello, I'm new here, but not new to Guttate Psoriasis. This is the third flare I've had in my life. The first time it was misdiagnosed as Pityriasis Rosea and the second time, an allergic reaction to Penicillin. I've finally been correctly diagnosed this time but I've known for a while. My skin has been relatively clear since I recovered from my last flare 12-13 years ago apart from a plaque on my elbow and various spots popping up now and again randomly. I believe mine is caused by Strep (tonsillitis) and stress and each flare is pretty extensive. It normally lasts around 12 months before clearing on its own. This is the first time I've actively tried to clear it. The other times, being unsure what it actually was, I just let it run its course but it was a miserable existence. This time, I'm trying to clear it but I've read so much, I feel really quite confused and apprehensive. I've since had my tonsils removed, unfortunately, this hasn't been a cure for me (if that even exists). This time round I have tried the sunbed (very cautiously) 5 times over a couple of weeks as the sun and seawater have worked slowly in the past. I haven't noticed any real changes, and the dr has now prescribed Coal Tar (Psoriderm) and Mometasone (a steroid), both of which can cause sun sensitivity so I don't think it would be safe to continue to sunbed. The coal tar absolutely STINKS. So I'm a bit concerned about that but I'm mostly concerned about the steroid. So many people have talked about rebounds after using them, and I'm worried this might happen and it getting completely out of control. I have psoriasis on my nose and the dr wants me to use it for 10 days on my face. I'm terrified! I did manage to get the DR to promise he would refer me to a dermatologist for possible PUVA light therapy if this hasn't cleared in 8 weeks. In terms of the other things I am trying: daily multivitamins, Omega 7, prebiotics, vitamin d supplements, turmeric and black pepper, dead sea bath salts, and emollients. I've also recently taken a York Test food intolerance test to see if there is anything I can do in my diet to help, but as I don't have extensive psoriasis all the time, I'm not sure if diet plays a major part. I also trying to reduce stress but as a perfectionist with a history of anxiety and depression, this is always a struggle! Any words of advice or suggestions would be hugely appreciated. I'm taking a lot of time off work at the moment as I just keep bursting into tears and as a teacher who is currently trying to direct various musicals, I'm a bit worried I'm going to lose my reputation and job. Love to you all. This forum has been a quiet comfort over the last few weeks.

Posted Fri 3 Mar 2023 15.06 by SheilaM

I also have psoriasis have had it from childhood, it comes and goes but stress does seem to trigger bigger breakouts it also seems to go in cycles. I to like psoriderm but coal tar based products seem to work for me. I was always told not to use steroids on my face . By the sound of it you need to get some help for your depression and also to have a referral to dermatology as treatments are individual to everyone I’m using dovebet at the moment but you should only use short term , good luck

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